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Once were outside, I had walked toward the middle main table seeing Celeste and Hannah, along with a couple of other guys I assumed were with them.

Caleb, Dean, Tamalea, and Liliana were staring at them now hesitantly and fearful.

" I don't feel too good about this. I mean, what if they don't want any of us, including you here for hanging with us-" Liliana started to ask me, leaning over to whisper.

I smirked and walked in front of the table. I had got this.

"Hey there awesome nerds. Miss me?" I asked cheerily. They all looked up to me and smiled happily, jumping up.

"Maisy!" They all shouted.

Liliana, Caleb, Dean, and Tamalea looked to each other impressed.

"We were wondering if you were going to show...was almost a joyous occasion." Celeste told me smiling smugly.

"Oh please, you know you all love me." I said confidently.

"Do we?" She fired back a bit playfully. Hannah stood up happily.

"Hey girl! We saved you your special spot right by the fountains as always!" Hannah said.

"Thanks! I hope you guys don't mind though but I brought some new peps I'm hanging with..." I started to say gesturing to the group. They all glanced over to me in awe. I guess they weren't use to be mentioned a lot by others. "Guys, this is Caleb, Tamalea, Dean, and Liliana. Gang, these guys are my besties Celeste and Hannah."

Hannah held out her hand cheerfully, shaking all of theirs. I knew I could count on her to help them feel more welcomed. She had a heart of gold.

"Oh yay! New friends. I've never had them before." She told them.

"Please Hannah. We're us. You always get new friends. Some of them ask for our autographs. Sit." Celeste said to her sassily.

Hannah nodded and sat back down causally. I sat next to her gesturing for them to follow along.

"Come on guys, pick a seat. I promise they won't bite." I assured them.

"Don't tempt me." Celeste said, staring at them coldly.

Caleb and the rest  timidly sat down next to Hannah and me. Celeste continued to glare toward them.

"Hey, weren't you all in my Chem class yesterday. I think I greeted you for a minute." She then asked.

"If you call vastly insulting us and our intelligence a greeting...then awesome!" Dean said nodding. Caleb sighed and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, we didn't bring any housewarming gifts...or should I say table warming gifts am I right?" he laughed in a dorky way. No one joined in except me, trying to be nice.

It was kinda funny. No, not really but I wanted him to be more comfortable. The others friends of mine though blankly stared at him. Change the topic Maisy, change it now. I cleared my throat.

" know guys, Caleb here plays a mean game of a mind game called chess. You should see him." I said.

"Really Corey?" Celeste asked. Caleb smirked.

"It's actually Caleb. You know like Celeste...but only smarter." He answered her casually.

The table then began laughing secretly as Celeste glared at him offended.

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