(Y/n) vs Tosuke part 2

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I know It has been so long since I last updated literally anything but I am back and trying to update each of my books. Trust me I hate having to leave this story from 2018 undone and I am back to finish it. So many chapters are to come and I am gonna write them. To everyone who has kept this book thanks so much I still reply on wattpad and everything so please if you want a update say it because it gets me motivated. Anyway I hope everyone is staying safe because of this crazy Coronavirus. Without further ado please enjoy the story.

(Y/n) started walking back to her room when Gon and killua ran up to her, chanting her name as they approached.

"(Y/n) (Y/n)" She turned towards them. Gon smiled brightly.

"You were amazing and you did that without your cane!!" Shouted Gon excited as (Y/n) chuckled.

"Thanks Gon, I actually forgot it before the fight and had to fight without it."

"I figured." Stated Killua with a smirk as (Y/n) returned it. "So, what are you gonna do now?" (Y/n) looked down.

"Well next I have that match with Tosuke so I have train and get ready. Now that I know Nen he'll definitely take it harder on me. I realized it in our first match that even in hand to hand combat I am still no match for him. I need to get stronger if I'm gonna put an end to his miserable life." Killua and Gon nodded, their faces turning serious.

"I understand." Said Gon. (Y/n) placed her hand on his face making him blush.

"Don't worry Gon. I promise that I will get so strong that even someone as strong as the old man would call me in need." Gon looked surprised before giving her a determined smile.

"Yeah!!" (Y/n) and Killua laughed at Gon's adorable yell. She than turned.

"Well I best be going, please stay out of trouble." (Y/n) started walking away. Killua and Gon waved at her.

"See ya (Y/n)-Chan." (Y/n) continued smiling before it instantly turned into a frown with narrowed eyes. She kept walking but could clearly feel a presence behind her. She made it to the elevator before pressing the button. She narrowed her eyes as she knew it, she was not alone. The door opened letting her out, as she walked she felt the presence closing in.

"If you're gonna follow me at least make it so I don't know you're here." She turned slightly as chuckling came out.

"I'm impressed, I didn't think you would have noticed me." (Y/n) faced him.

"What do you want? I already scheduled to fight you, are you too scared to fight so you decided to kill me now?" Tosuke gave her a smirk.

"Don't get to full of yourself little girl, you're still weak, just because you learned some nen doesn't mean a thing." Tosuke activated ren making (Y/n) activate ten. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes again before his smirk grew wider. "Oh I like this." Tosuke let go of ren. "You'd be the perfect Guinea pig for my new move. Don't die on me." Tosuke started walking away.

"Cliche ass villain, telling me about your new move before you even do it." (Y/n) turned and started walking back to her room. She sat down and instantly started training. It rang in her head 'just because you know what the attack is doesn't mean you can dodge it.' This was so true, just because she now knows that he has a new attack doesn't mean she can dodge it. It worked in two ways, she now knows that Tosuke has a new attack but now that she knew about the attack she'll be on edge. This could actually put her in a disadvantage instead of an advantage. She grit her teeth and subconsciously activated ren. A hand appeared on her shoulder making her turn to see Hisoka.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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