Chapter 1 : Awakening

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Percy's PoV

That's all I see around me. All is black.
From what I feel, I'm in a kind of cage.
I don't know were I am.
But I am certain about one thing. I have to get out of this cage.

I do a quick check to make sure I'm not injured.
Nothing, it's a good point. I stand up without feeling any pain, but hunger make me waved.
I touch the sides of the cage without feeling any door.
For several minutes, I look for an opening, but still nothing.
The only place I couldn't reach was the ceiling. I probably come from here.

Suddenly, the cage started to move, and I realize that is it an elevator, so I just sit down and I wait to see where I was going to land.
I have to be ready and vigilant.
That is why I fell asleep.

Voices and cries. That's what woke me up.
I open my eyes, and I see a lot of people looking at me.
One of them approaches with a knife in his hand, and my body goes into automatic mode.
I grab him by the arm, and with a quick movement I send him to the ground, take his knife and put the knife under his throat.

Nobody make a noise.

"Huh" say the boy with the knife under his throat.
"Who are you ?", I asked
"Huh", he answered

I take a look at the people watching us, and no one seems worried. I even see some of them amused, as if seeing one of their own in danger was entertainment.
A person comes forward. He is Asian, tall and muscular.
He wears his sleeves rolled up wich highlight his biceps.

"Okay, so..." he started

"Where are we ?" I asked cutting him off

"Hi, I guess" he retorded "We are in the Glade, and we are the Gladers. "

"The glade ? The gladers ?" I say, completely lost
"I don't remember ever seeing this place..."
I look at him seriously "...In fact, I don't remember anything."

"I know, it's the same things for all of us." he respond
"You will soon remember your name."

I have an oppression of deja vu. Not for this place, the "glade", but for the amnesia.
"What am I doing here ?" I ask

"I promise you will soon have answer." say a new voice with a strong british accent.
The person who spoke advances to the level of the Asian.
"I am Newt." introduced himself "and this punk is Minho."
The Asian guy grumbled somethings like "fuck off ", but Newt just smile, before turning to me.

I understand one thing. They certainly have a leader, without which they would not have stood without killing each other for two seconds.
"I want to see your chef ." I said calmly.

Newt look at me intently before answering.

"You already met our leader." he said

I look at him without understanding

"You are currently putting a knife under his throat." he said pointing to the knife I hold in my hand.

"Oh" I said. I don't know why, but I feel like I can believe them, so I remove the knife and helped the boy to stand up.
"S'rry" I apologize "I thought ... well, you had your knife and ..." I started, but he raised his hand
"No problem, but it's the first and last time you do that, understood ? Here the only thing that keeps us going is the order " he said.

I nodded.

"Okay good, now we have to talk"

The boy, who is named Alby, offered to go around the Glade and learn about the job.

"Here, we have three rules. Everyone must accomplish their task. No room for lazy people. "He say. I nodded.

"Never injure another Glader. Trust everyone"
I nodded again.

"Never cross the walls of the Glade"
"It's oka.. no wait... the walls ?" I ask
I look around me. And I see them.
The Glade is defined by four large walls, tens of meters high with an opening in each side.

"Oh gods" that's all I said.

Alby look at me with understanding.
"Impressive isn't it ?"

I don't answer, and Alby shrugged "over time, you get used to it."

I start running toward the opening, and I heard Alby say "Don't forget the third rule the newbie !"

I stop running a few meter from the opening.
It opens onto a long corridor divided into three paths at the end, like a labyrinth. What do we find inside ?

As in answer to my question, a breath of violent wind coming from the labyrinth was felt, followed by a cry to freeze the blood. I took a few step back, and I hit someone.
I turn around and I see Newt, who smile at me.

"What is inside ? " I ask.

"A lot of things that you don't want to see" he replied gravely.

As I was going to ask him more, screams were heard from inside the maze, and I see a little group of person who run in our direction, directed by Minho. They are at the end of the corridor, when the grounds started to shake.
And I can't believe my eyes. The walls start to move and get closed ! How is it possible ?! These walls must weight tons !
"All it's normal, don't worry, the opening is a door" I say to myself for calmdown.

I take a look at Newt and realize that he is worried.
I follow her gaze and what I see paralyzes me.
Minho and the other guy are pourchased by something like a mythological creature, tall and with just one eye. A cyclops. I don't know why I am not surprised to come across a creature that is not supposed to exist, but it's as if I had already met some before my amnesia.

Minho and the other men pass the door just before it closes... and the cyclops too.

Immediately the cyclops looks at me and come towards me, and my hand slipped into my pocket to take out

...a pen

Yeah, well done percy, so you can write your last words before you die now.
But like if my body moving by itself, my hand removed the cap from the pen and two seconds later, I was holding a perfectly balanced sword.

The cyclop try to crush me in percy soup with his fist but I dodge.
I dropped on the ground with a roll and I get up by jumping on the cyclops. I try to pierce him but he throws me back. I do a backflip to receive me and place a kick in his eye at the same time.
Taking advantage of his inattention, I plant my sword in his stomach and he disintegrates into little gold dust.

Newt come in front of me
And he ask "who are you ?"

I remember my name. I remembered it during the fight.
But I don't remember anything else.

I answer "My name is Percy"

After that, I fall heavily to the ground and it's black.


Hello guys, so I have finished the first chapter,
I hope you enjoy it ! After reading and re-reading I wanted to write my own story! English is definitely not my first language, so don't hesitate to let me know in the comments if I made mistakes !
Word count :

Ps: All rights belong to Rick Riordan and James Dashner.

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