Chapter 23: The power of Percy

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Extern PoV

"Nothing more than his awakened potential"says Nyx.

Suddenly, from where Percy stood, a column of white light gushes forth in a deafening roar.

Tartarus turned to his sister.
"Just because his potential has been awakened doesn't mean he's going to be able to do anything! I AM TARTARUS!"

"You're going to pay."
Percy's silhouette takes shape in the light.

Tartarus turns in Percy's direction.

The column of light did not weaken.
It blinded Tartarus, so he had to protect his eyes with his hands.

"For what you have done. You will pay."

Percy stepped forward, coming out of the column of light, his eyes closed.

Tartarus remains silent, content to stare at the demigod advancing with a squint.

Suddenly, the column of light begins to move and become smaller and smaller, before merging into the body of the young man advancing towards his enemy.

Everything becomes dark again.

Percy continues to advance, with a disconcerting calm and unfeigned assurance.
"You touched my friends. And I can't forget that. For that, you will pay."

"You can't do anything against me!"
But in spite of his words, Tartarus cannot help but take a few steps backwards as Percy approaches.

Percy stops a few meters from the master of the abyss.

"Are you coming to your death? Well, I'll give you what you want!"
Tartarus makes his sword appear and rushes towards Percy.

"You better not miss me. Because I won't miss you."
With these words, Percy opens his eyes.

Eyes of pure, brilliant silver.

Tartarus lowered his blade, but Percy was no longer there.
He was behind Tartarus, from behind.

"How did he...? You avoided my sword. But you can't avoid this!"
Tartarus throws a column of fire in the direction of Poseidon's son.

Percy turns to face the flames.
A second later, the fire danced in the palm of his hand.


With a slight gesture of the hand, Percy makes the flames disappear.


Tartarus throws himself on Percy, striking with swords at breathtaking speed.
But Percy avoided the blows at an even more impressive speed.

"That's for Damasen."
Dodging yet another blow, Percy kicked Tartarus back.

Advancing towards his enemy, Percy drew Turbulence.

Tartarus tries to deliver a blow, but Percy dodges it.
"That's for Bob."
He thrusts his sword into Tartarus' right leg, knocking him to his knees.

"And this..."

Percy's eyes begin to shine even brighter.
Light spreads from his hands and covers his whole body.
His sword begins to shine.


Her sword describes a circular movement towards the back which cuts the head of Tartarus.

The Tartarus who was kneeling in front of Percy falls to pieces, while the real body of Tartarus falls with a thud behind Percy.

"Your cowardly tricks no longer work with me."

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