Chapter 2 : The Maze

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Percy's PoV

"Percy !" Someone yelled.

I don't answer. I no longer have the strength to move.

"Bêêêê Percy, can you hear me ?" Ask the voice.

Wait what ?
I misunderstood or this person start his sentence with a cry of goat ?


I opened my eyes immediately. I can't resist cookies.

"Where ?" I ask

"You took a long time to answer !"

I look at him. He seems familiar to me, he is young, not very tall, he has horns on his head and he has goat legs...
What, horns and goat legs ?!

"Thanks to the gods, the bond of empaty is still active" he say with relief.

"Sorry but who are you ?"
I know I must have known this guy, but I don't remember. Damn amnesia.

"Perce, it's me, Grover ! You don't recognize me ?"

"I have lost my memories, so I don't remember anything." I said.

He looks at me resolutely, as if this situation had already happened.

"It's not good at all... Two of the seven who disappear, it's not good..."

The seven ?

"Listen carefully Percy. There is not much time left before you wake up. Where are you ?"

"I don't know, it is a place nammed the "Glade" in a labyrinth, but I know nothing more"

He began to talk to himself
"The labyrinth ? No it's impossible, this place has been destroyed... Maybe another labyrinth ?"

He turn to me " Do not move from where you are, teams are looking for you."
His voice became distant, as if he was walking away.

"Who are the two who disappeared ?" I ask.

He look at me sadly
"You and... Annabeth"


This name tells me something. It's like a part of me has just woken up.

I was going to ask him more when I saw him go away like a dream that is dissipating.

"Please Perce, stay alive and don't do anything stupid !
I can't bear to lose my best friend !" He yelled.

And I woke up. More lost than ever.
And whithout cookies.

I look around me. I am in a room, and a young blond man stands back to me.
I try to get up, but I fail to fall, and the boy turns to me.

"Hi Percy. How are you ?"

"Very good, thanks." I answer.
"What has happened ?"

"You slept for two days."

"Two days ?!"
He nodded

How it's possible ? I have slept for two days ?

I see in his eyes that something is bothering him

"What happen Newt ?" I ask him.

"Nothing, you need to rest." He answer.

"Newt, I just slept two days. I don't need to rest. So please, tell me what is the problem." I said

He look at me dead in the eye
"I don't understand what happened two days ago. How did you do that, how did you manage to repel this thing in the maze with just a stick ?"

Percy Jackson : The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now