Chapter 20 : The final Battle

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Percy's PoV

It doesn't look good.

I parry the assaults of Tartarus, but I can't fight back. Every time I try to strike a blow, time slows down.

"So, Percy Jackson. Weren't you supposed to bring me down in no time? Or maybe it's just talk!"

I don't retaliate, too focused on not dying under his assaults.

A shiver runs down my left arm.
Out of pure instinct, I throw myself to the side, and barely dodge the fist of Tartarus, which had risen at the speed of light.

A new shiver on my right side this time. Once again, my body reacts on its own, by pure instinct, and I avoid another blow.

"Congratulations. I didn't think you would dodge that shot."

Smoke suddenly surrounds Tartarus, then gathers in his hand, taking the shape of a sword, bright red, reminiscent of the color of blood.

Until now, Tartarus had fought with his bare hands. Moreover, he was gradually discovering his powers, and he seemed to become more and more comfortable in his body as the fight progressed.

Among other things, he was getting stronger, I was getting weaker.

Tartarus threw himself at me and attempted a lateral blow, which I parried not without difficulty, then I attempted a feint that should have hit him in the face.
Which should have.
Once again, my arm becomes as heavy as lead, and time seems to stop.

"One feels powerless, demigod?"

With these words, Tartarus kicks me.
I get up and attack.

I attempt a coup d'estoc and I realize that my sword... is not in my hand.

I raise my eyes and I see Turbulence in the hands of Tartarus.

"How did this happen"

"Poor wretch. All I have to do is stop time to do as I please. You are impotent."

Why did he make the fight last, if he could kill me without difficulty?

"I will answer your silent question. If I don't kill you, it's to break you. I want you to realize that there is nothing you can do to save your friends. That there is nothing you can do to stop me. That your courage cannot save you this time. You have no help. You are alone."

Tartarus throws me my sword, which I grasp in flight.
"So keep fighting. The more you fight, the greater your despair will be."

Suddenly the air becomes cold, and a new shiver runs through me. But this time I feel it in my whole body. Without knowing why, as my eyes see Tartarus in front of me, I turn and move my sword in the void...

...but the movement is stopped by an obstacle.

There is a disturbance at the place where my sword has stopped, and Tartarus appears, his sword raised, having served to stop my blow.

"How could you know I was there?"

I didn't know it myself. Tartarus was in front of me, and yet my body acted by pure instinct, not trusting the image my eyes reflected.

My thoughts were interrupted by the vision of a movement behind Tartarus.

"You should not underestimate us. I am not alone."

Tartarus, still astonished by my gesture, understood my words only too late.

With cries of rage, Nico, Thomas, Newt, and Minho threw themselves on Tartarus, sifting him with sword, spear, and knife.

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