Chapter 11 : The end of the Maze (Part 1)

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Percy's PoV


"Ouch !"

Too late. The opening closed and I went into the wall.
I have to find a way to find others quickly.

Now in a dead end, I'm heading in the direction by which we arrived.

how not to get lost ?

I remember what Annabeth told me. Put a hand on the wall and follow it without ever letting go.

Not having much choice, I comply. I put my left hand on the wall and start to walk along it.
Everything is dark, my only light source is my sword, Riptide.

I continue like that, stumbling, without knowing where I am going for what seems to me to be hours, chaining the turns and the right corridors in silence, when suddenly grunts are heard.

Silently, I approach the source of the noise which becomes more and more threatening as I approach.

Pressed against the wall, I glance quickly at the source of the noise, and I see ...


Reassured, I let out a nervous laugh, feeling stupid for being afraid of sheep.

But it was short lived.

Indeed, from the moment the sheep showed their fangs (yes, fangs!) the reassuring side of the situation flew away.

Recognizing the sheep of Polyphemus, I take my legs by my blow, and they did what every good man-eating sheep would do. They run after me.

They go faster than me, I have to find a solution to sow them or defeat them. 

I jump on the wall by grabbing the vines and start to climb.
I stop a few meters above them, feeling safe.

But my feeling of security is quickly replaced by a feeling of immediate danger.


A griever.
Damn, is it possible to have so much bad luck ?
I am hanging on lianas a few meters above half a dozen carnivorous sheep and a griever arrives.

The griever is at the corner of the corridor and approaches in our direction. I must find an idea, placed as I am, he will necessarily see me in passing.


An other griever.

A crazy idea comes to mind. If you can't beat your enemy yourself, have someone else knock him down for you.

The first griever passes by the sheep without nobody pouncing on anyone. Sheep do not interest grievers, and vice versa.

But wouldn't the sheep throw themselves on the griever if the latter kills one of their own ?

Gradually descending by letting me slide on my vine, I place myself between the sheep and the griever.

"ηλίθια πρόβατα !" (STUPID SHEEP)
I throw sheep in ancient Greek

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