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<<C.H. POV>>

I wake up for work around 11 and have a good morning text from Julia. In the past 24 hours we had grown really close - too close. I don't respond and quickly get ready for work. I walk out of my building and see Julia sitting on the steps of her building waiting for her cab. She looks up and smiles at me but I just walk over and sit next to her.
"Hey loner," she said with a smile that could light up a room. "Do you wanna grab coffee before work?"
I shrug. "Whatever you want to do."
"Okay..." She says. Our cab pulls up and I open the door and get in. Julia follows and we sit side by side. I turn my head and look out the window and put my hood up. It was a sunny day, I should have brought my sunglasses.
"Okay... what's up with you?" I hear J ask.
I shrug and look at her. "Nothing." She just shakes her head in reply.
"Did you sleep well at least?"
"Yeah I slept fine."
"Did I say something wrong or?"
"No Julia I'm perfectly fine and if I wasn't its none of your business. And I want my hoodie back by the way."
The cab stops outside the coffee shop but Julia just scowls at me.
"Who the hell are you and what did you do with the guy I knew yesterday?" She got out of the cab and slammed the door in my face, walking straight past the Starbucks.
Crap. What did I do.
I walk 30 feet behind Julia the whole way to work. She tries to avoid me most of the afternoon but it was getting difficult. I couldn't help but over hear her and Lilah while I was at the register.
"June can you get some coffee for me and some of the other models?"
Julia stayed calm and preppy even though she was being treated like a waitress.
"You know I would but we have to stay at the store, I wouldn't want to leave Calum at the register alone. On my break I will - anything for a friend!" She said and I wince, knowing what was coming for her.
Lilah just gives her a confused look.
"You are the most fake a$$ person I've ever met you know that? We are not friends and never will be! You pretend to be all sweet to me but we all know what you're actually trying to do here. You're never going to be good enough for him or any of us! Weren't you some culinary student? What the fµcl< are you doing here folding shirts all day. You're a low life and-" that's it I couldn't bare what Lilah had to say anymore.
"Hey Lilah I think you need to shut the fµcl< up now. Fake? You're the one with fake hair and a job where you stand around playing Barbie doll."
Julia had slipped away while Lilah stared at me in shock.
Brian walks over and looks from me to Lilah who was pissed off.
"Is he bothering you Ly?" He asks her. She nods.
"He's a fµcl<ing jerk that's what he is."
"Really? Best insult ya got huh? Go back to your doll house princess I think you need to leave your ego and plastic personality over there."
"Oh dude you messed with the wrong people." Brian says getting in my face. I push him away from me and he shoves me back hard.
"Don't you dare talk to a women like that." He grunts.
I scoff. "Don't worry I didn't I only said it to a little b!tch." Brian glares at me again.
"Oh you've done it now buddy..."
Karren and Luke step in between us.
"Dude take a walk." Luke says and I walk towards the breakroom.
"J?" I ask and walk in. Julia was sitting against the wall next to the fridge. Her cheeks were tear stained and her face looked drained.
I sit down next to her and wrap an arm around her.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"Yeah... I mean everything she said was true so..." I shake my head.
"No way. You don't need to be good for anyone I like you for who you actually are. And you're not some low life. I'm,sorry for the way I acted this morning I'm just scared."
"Of what?" She asks me.

Of having feelings for you.

"I'm not really sure." I say and pull her closer. She rests her head on my shoulder. "Thanks for sticking up for me." She says.
"Of course." I say quietly. "Anything for my loner." She laughs quietly then the door swings open. Karren hovers in the doorway.
"Sorry to break this little friendship circle time but Julia you have to get back to work and Calum we're gonna have to ask you to leave without pay for today."
" woah woah, Calum was just sticking up for me, you can't punish him for it!" Julia says.
"J just leave it I'll cya later." I say quietly.
"Well if you want to put up a protest you can just join him." Karren says. Julia nods and stands up with a firm grip around my hand. She,laced our fingers together. "Fine. Common Cal lets go." And with that we get our stuff and walk out the front of the,store. Julia holds her head high on the,way out and I flip off Lilah and Brian on my way out. "Loners on a role." Julia laughs as we begin to wander around the city.

-Lol sorry I tried to watch my profanity
JALUM feels bc jalum is on a role

- what do you guys think of the story so far? I have big plans coming up for it so look out for more updates this month :)
Thank you all so much for the reads!

Loner City //  a.u Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now