Thirty five

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I spend the next week leading up to the opening night doing last minute work things then returning to my apartment where I keep myself in my room with a migraine and a heart ache while Peyton and Eli try to coax me to come outside.

2 days before opening night, Peyton opens my door and looks at me with a sympathetic face.
"Um. Luke came by. He dropped off a box for you. It's from Calum."
I sit up and turn to face her, snarling.
"Calum gave Luke a box of my things to give to me?" I growl.
Peyton nods.
"Yep. Talk about a dipshit, am I right."
I scoff.
Peyton leaves the box in the corner of my room and slowly backs out.
I felt like a grizzly bear.
Before I know what I'm doing I'm dialing his number.
I'm sent to voicemail for loss of connection.
"Calum? It's Julia. I just thought you should know that what you did to me... It was a dick move. I don't think you understand how hurt I am by this. I love you Calum. If you wanted to travel with Mali you could have travelled no one was stopping you. I'm holding you back? I'm sorry, don't buy me a restaurant next time. I didn't ask for this. You added strings made of fishing wire and accused me of putting them there. You're a coward. You want to break my heart? Do it in person. Goodbye Calum. Goodluck in Europe."

I hang up the phone and toss it on my bed.
I had gotten out most of what I wanted to say I think.

I sigh and walk out of my room.
"Woah. The zombie lives." I hear Eli say from the couch.
I groan. I flop on the couch next to him.
"This sucks." I grumble.
"I know. It gets better. Just focus on Célébrer." Eli smiles.
I give a small smile back.
"Woah. She moved AND she shows expression."
I throw a pillow at him.
"My expression is annoyance and heart break." I groan, half joking.

<<C.H. POV>>

"Train to Berlin Germany will depart in 30 minutes."

A voice over the loud speaker says.
I look over at Mali who was grinning ear to ear.
"This is it Cal. Stop number 2."
I smile back at her when inside I was feeling like crap.
I hand her my stuff.
"I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." I say.
I walk away and to the bathroom to clear my thoughts. I splash my face with water and walk back over to Mali who had my phone pressed against her ear with her mouth slightly open.
"What?" I say, the pit of stomach dropping.
"You... You broke up with Julia? And not in person? You just left her? Oh Cal... This isn't what I meant."
My face falls as Mali gives me a disappointed look.
"Isn't this what you wanted? It's over. I'm ready to take on the world."
I say without much enthusiasm. Mali just shakes her head.
"I meant go on this trip with me. But tell your girlfriend and I don't know not break her heart. Oh my gosh... This is all my fault, I never should have invited you."
"No, it's not your fault I'm glad you invited me..."
"You need to go back to her. You can't loose her Cal. She's a good one. Go back, get the girl. Forget what I said before. I'm sorry. Just go. Get on the next plane to New York. Take a shower, buy a suit. Get Julia back!" Mali grabs my hand.
"Let's go." She says and drags me towards the train station exit.

What do you thinks going to happen with Jalum?

I love you all

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