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<<C.H. POV>>>
We take the subway as close to home as can and take a taxi the rest of the way since it was starting to rain. We go to my apartment this time and Julia agrees to help me unpack. We spend most of our night putting things away in my living room.
"Are you close with your parents?" Julia asks, organizing my CD 's and DVDs by genre.
"I don't talk to my dad very often but I'm really close with my mom. My parents are divorced."
"Awh," She coes. "CalPal's a momma's boy?"
I just shake my head and laugh.
"What about you, are you close with your family?"
"I used to be. I have 2 sisters, Carrie's 16 and Peyton's 19. I talk to them on the phone occasionally but my parents not so much. They gave me the money to come live here so I would leave their house. I used to be depressed all the time."
"I'm sorry." I say.
"Yeah well, me too." She shrugs and starts putting CD 's on the shelf.
"Do you visit them at all?" I ask and J shakes her head.
"Only for Christmas and in June when my sister's get out of school."
I don't say anything for awhile thinking about how lonely it must get in the city being alone all the time.
"Do you have any friends here at all?" J stops and shakes her head.
"Not really. I kept to myself for the most part and no one wants to talk to me anyways... the other day you said you moved for a change of scenery...Why?" She asks and I stop unloading the box.
"I don't really like to stay in one place for too long. It gets boring."
"Oh." She replies.
We finish unpacking the stuff for the den/living room and my guest room then we walk over to Julia's for coffee.
While the coffee starts to brew, Julia goes into her bedroom and comes back out with my sweatshirt.
"Do you still want it?" She asks. I shrug.
"No keep it. It looks better on you." She smiles softly and puts her arms in the sleeves.
We sip our coffee quietly and talk on the sofas.
"Favorite movie?" I ask.
"Home Alone. Or The Little Mermaid. You?"
"Titanic - it's a classic. Favorite band?"
"Oh my gosh... I'm not a band person! Does the band on Jimmy Fallon count?" She laughs and I look at her in disgust.
"Uh no. I'm making you a playlist to listen to."
"You're making me a mixtape? Are we in the 80s?" I laugh at her sad humor.
We both sat criss cross across from eachother with our knees touching.
"Your sad humor amuses me Albright."
"And your classics bore me." She replys.
We just sit there and I look at Julia.
Her eyes were so bright but behind them I could see the darkness of her past. When she smiles her nose wrinkled and it would scrunch up her face.
"You look gorgeous tonight." I blurt out and realize I had just said it out loud.
She smiles at me. "Well thanks."
I don't even realize what I'm doing until I'm an inch from kissing her lips. I do it, I kiss her. Right after our lips meet I pull away.
"No...No..." I say and pick up my jacket.
"Calum it's okay, stop." She says and gets up off the couch to stop me from leaving.
"No I made a mistake that wasn't supposed to happen." I say putting my jacket on as fast as I can.
"No no no please it's okay, it's not a mistake, you don't have to leave! I didn't mind, actually I'm more than okay with it," she rambles.
I open the door.
"Stop running away from me!" She crys and I look at her.
All I saw this time was pain. I turn away and slam the door behind me. I was so angry with myself.
The door swung open.
"CALUM! STOP!" Julia screams at me but I keep walking. I wasn't turning around this time.

Merry Christmas ;) // S

Loner City //  a.u Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now