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<<Julia POV>>

Calum and I walk around the city together. We walk arm in arm and I point out my favorite spots in the city. We walk to the Empire State Building and I make him stand in front of it and look straight up.
"Are you about to fall over yet?"
I ask.
"No," he says and turns back to look at me while I watch him.
"This is silly!" He says and I just laugh. I move over next to him and I look up at the building. It looms over us as tourists snap photos and walk around us. The building looms over is and Calum takes a step back from the building.
I turn and look at him. "Hah! Told you!"
"Every time I look up I'm amazed..." I say and look up at the skyscraper again. Out of the corner of my eye I see Calum just looking from me to the building.
"You're crazy!" He says shaking his head.
"The good kind though." I reply looming over at him with a grin.
I walk back over to him and link our arms.
"Now we're going out for lunch." I say and we start walking down the side walk.
As we walk my eyes constantly look all around me. At the building and the street performers. I look at the sky and my feet then look back at the buildings.
I hear music in the distance and loosen my grip on Calum until Im speed walking and he's trying to catch up.
"Where are you going?" He asks and I stop infront of a young girl playing the violin.
I just watch and admire until I notice Calum staring at me.
"What?" I ask. He gives a small smile and laughs to himself.
"You're just adorable to watch." I blush and turn back to the violinist.
I take Calums arm again and we continue walking down the streets until we reach my favorite pizzeria. I open the door and sit with Calum at the front counter. I order a slice of Hawaiian and Calum orders pepperoni.
"That's a really boring decision." I tell him. He just shrugs.
"It's a classic."
I roll my eyes.
"Classic or old fashioned?"
"Both." He says and takes a sip of his soda. He clears his throat and turns to me in his seat.
"So tell me..." He says and I raise an eyebrow.
"Why do you try to please everyone?" He asks me.
I sigh. "I just want everyone to like me. Ya know, no one liked me in college. Without Kolby no one liked me or would talk to me and I hated myself everyday for being so unlike able. Moving gave me a fresh start to be the kind of person everyone would like-"
"But you're not," he says interrupting me. "You act like someone you're not and that's why no one gives a sh!t Julia. Because you want to be someone everyone likes but it doesn't work for you."
I'm taken aback by his suddenly rude comment.
"No one likes who I really am either, don't you think I've tried that already?"
"I like who you really are isn't that good enough?" He asks.
I just shake my head.
"I can't live my life knowing only two people have ever liked me for who I was all this time!"
"Maybe if you weren't so fake around everyone they would get to know you and like who you really are! I like you for who you are. You're a fun and interesting and smart and beautiful and a great cook and extremely weird but in the best way possible and if you don't think that everyone is crazy for not liking you for all that then you should reevaluate yourself, J."
I'm not sure how to take in everything he just said to me, as an insult or compliment. I sit there in shock for a second and Calum sits back and takes a deep breath.
He pushes out his stool and hops down.
"Cya J." He says and starts to walk towards the door.
"Hey..." I say and get off my seat and follow him.
"Cal?" I say as the door closed in my face. I swing it open and pick up my pace as Calum picks up his.
"Hey!" I call out and go into a jog.
"HEY!" I shout at him and he stops and turns around. I stop in front of him and study his face. A mix of annoyance, sadness and light pulls at his features.
"You can't just say all that stuff to me and leave." I say. His eyes wander everywhere but me.
"Look at me." I say irritated.
He finally looks at me and I fold my arms.
"You can't just run away from everything..." I say.
"I know I know... Sorry." He says putting an arm around me and we walk away from the pizzeria
"Did you mean everything you said..."
"Yes and I don't regret it either. If we're gonna continue to be loners together I want you to promise me no more fake Julia hanging around."
"Okay... It might take awhile to shake her off... She's pretty clingy ya know..."
"Oh I bet, that's something you both have in common..."
I give his face a soft slap and we both laugh and continue to walk aimlessly around the city.
Jalum is love Jalum if life - hope you're all enjoying my story //s

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