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I wake up and roll off the couch at roughly 8. I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep so I get up and take a quick shower.
I was a mess.
I had spent most of yesterday sitting at home watching Netflix romcom's and eating take out. My eyes were watering a lot too... It's allergy season.
I had f**ked everything up with Julia.
I didn't even want to go to work. I didn't want to see her or look at her or talk to her and if I hadn't shut her out last night I would have exploded.
I broke me seeing her so crushed over me. I'm hoping she just moves on and forgets about me, I can't afford to move again.
I get changed and decide to go out for a jog. I put on some shorts and a tee shirt and hoodie and slip on some sneakers and put in my head phones.
I open the door and flip through playlists until I realize there's a body laying in the middle of the hallway.
She mumbles under her breathe and rolls over.
She's shoots up as she realizes where she is and looks up at me with a shocked expression.
Her hair was all over the place and she looked dazed and worn out.
"Go home, J." I manage to murmur and step over.
"Wait!" She calls quietly.
I stop at the end of the hall.
Turn around.
Don't turn around.
Turn around.
Do it.
I turn my head over shoulder and give her a quick glance.
She was standing in the middle of the hall next to my door.
"Cal... I'm sorry..." She says quietly.
"I'm sorry too." I turn back around and open the door to the stair well.
As soon as I get out the door at the bottom I start running down the street. My feet thud against the pavement as I try to get away.
Away from myself.

<<J.A. POV>>
I slam my apartment door and immediately begin sobbing.
What was wrong with me. Why should I even keep trying with him? I give him my trust and he completely throws me under the bus. I mean crap to him. Am I this desperate? To go crawling back to him like this?
I shake my head.
No. I can't keep doing this to myself.
But I need him. And he needs me. We'd gotten so close within a number of days.
We were the two loners in this city that had found each other. Out of all the people in this city I met him. Why not someone else? He's changing the part of me that needs to be changed and I can't give up on him. I don't think he's given up on me either.
He gave up on himself.

Loner City //  a.u Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now