Six - Keon

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The call bell rang out through the classroom and the sudden hustle and bustle to get out of the door with all of our things erupted as it always did at the end of the period though this time I wasn't alone in my trek to the art room.
"So, we just go and sit in art and do what we want?" Otto asked, walking at my side as I lead the three of them.
"Well, Yeah. I don't have any friends, so I just it in the corner and do my art."
I weaved my way through the crowds of other students before finally ending up in the art department, walking through the door which was lodged open, Mr McKenna packing away various acrylic paints into their correct colour boxes. He turned and saw me and waved, as I raised a hand in response and made myself comfortable at a desk.
"I see you accepted the offer of bringing friends!"
I nodded. "Yeah I guess I did. Makes a change."
Mr McKenna smiled. "Well, you boys are always welcome."
I placed my stuff underneath the table and pulled out my art book and some pencils. I didn't know what I would draw just yet. I felt the weight of the pills in my pocket - this was my only chance. I sheepishly exited the room to the nearest bathroom, locking myself in one of the stalls for a bit of privacy. Stupid boy, picking the busiest time of day to go and overdose in a school bathroom. Who decides they're going to overdose in a school bathroom?! Crazy people. But then I guess that's exactly what I was - crazy. Crazy and dead.
I pulled the little boxes out of my jeans - they were crumpled where I had just stuffed them in there with other random things, including broken pencils and varying sizes of rubbers and folded bits of paper with scribbles on them or little reminders or notes or other bollocks. Didn't care for them now, all I wanted was the pills. My hands trembled as I pushed them out of their little holding wells, the crinkling sound gentle but echoing slightly off the walls, breaking the quietness around me. Some were round, some were your more "traditional" pill shape, but I didn't care, none of it would matter in about an hour. I felt this tightness in my throat as I rolled them around in my hand - or at least the first round. They wouldn't all fit in my hand, this was just the first course. I stared at them for a minute but then decided that I just have to get this over and done with. I threw my hand, cupped with the first set of pills, against my open mouth and forced myself to swallow them, before reaching for the next packet and repeating the process. And again. And again. And again. What seemed like 50 pills, but nothing would matter in under an hour - I'd be gone and there would be nothing to worry about. I stopped after what seemed like the umpteenth time, unlocking the stall door, walking over to the sink and cupping my hands under the tap, slurping the water from my hands to finish the job. Standing up straight from kneeling slightly to reach the sink, I suddenly felt the beginning stages of what I had done - a sense of dizzy overwhelmed me, the vertigo making me feel like I was going to end up kissing the sink with my forehead. I steadied myself with my hands on the basin, staring in the mirror at my face - my eyes were wide, pupils small. This was it. I staggered from the bathroom and the short distance to the tutor room, every step heavy as my head started to spin.


"Keon, these are really good!"
I had appeared at the door, and glanced at Awsten, Otto and Geoff flicking through my art book, sketch upon sketch upon sketch and the odd painting with watercolour bust mostly sketches. Awsten's fingers traced the ink of one of my stencil pieces, a butterfly with fine details and water coloured background contrasting the deep and perfect black of the spray paint, one of my favourite non-drawing pieces. I smiled.
Suddenly there was this feeling of tightness in my head as I staggered over to a chair, the vertigo swelling in my head again as the sides of my vision started to blur. This was all going a bit quicker than I thought, the sound around me becoming distorted, mixed and combined with consistent ringing becoming a strong throbbing undertone, but I made out what sounded like my name. Someone was calling out for me; Keon. Keon. Keon. Keon. I raised my hands to my head, desperate to hold it still in hopes it would stop the room from turning over and spinning around and around and around, endlessly, giving me the feeling of intense travel sickness as as my stomach began to warp and twist in the most uncomfortable nature. The feeling of tightness in my chest became apparent, as if someone had an elastic band they were wrapping tighter and tighter and tighter with every passing second and every breath, my heart banging constantly in my chest. I opened my eyes to try and make sense of it all, but all that came back was a blurred mix of colours, purple and brown and black. I couldn't make out a word, all of it melting into one inconsistent sound with the excruciating and unending ringing, before the heaviness of my body consumed me and I felt with all of my body the hard and sudden impact of the floor. My entire body began to convulse in intense pain and I couldn't stop, I didn't know how to stop. I closed my eyes and willed for it to go away, go away, go away, go away...

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