Eight - Keon

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The spinning feeling continued to overwhelm my head, making it difficult to make out my surroundings. God, it couldnt be any quicker, could it? Felt like forever.
My half conscious mind could feel the weight of my whole being and the sensation of being moved, held, touched, by who I assume were first aiders of some description. The sound around me warped into this massive lump of mumbles, words, numbers, and other indistinguishable noise. I felt the sensation of slipping away as darkness began to fill around my vision and spread into the middle. Was this it? Was I finally going? I sighed, I made my whole body sigh, relax, give up. It was all going to be over soon.


The sensation of this fog of cloud beginning to part overwhelmed my head as I felt my whole body in motion yet still. What the fuck is this? I downed 50 pills in under five minutes and I wasn't dead yet? This is unbelievable. Instead, I heard voices.
"Keon Parker, 17 year old male..."
Though largely closed, I rolled my eyes. Can't believe it, I'm in the hospital. There goes my chance of the being successful. I felt something around my face and moved my hand up to investigate, but something - I believe a hand, pushed my fingers back down to where they had been lying.
"Keep that there for me. We've got you."
I didn't have the energy to fight back.
"...suffered a six-minute seizure at school, first aid administered..."
A seizure? That was what happened? My head was still pounding, and my shoulders and back from the impact of the floor. God, it was an unpleasant experience, I didn't want another one.
"Paramedics gave shot of adrenaline when at scene, heart rate was 41 on arrival...61 after adrenaline..."
A sharp scratch pierced the back of my left hand, making me jump slightly - I don't think I was conscious enough for them to notice. I felt a hand gently pull at my t shirt, placing sticky things across the top of my chest before I heard the whining chimes of a monitor, pinging, slow intermittent bleeps accompanying it - was I finally dying?
"BPM is too low, he's going to arrest...."
No wonder I felt like crap. Would I actually arrest? Would I just be stuck in this state for god knows how long? I then felt hands lift me up slightly and pull off my hoodie but I didn't have the strength to fight them, as they replaced my limp body back onto the bed before I felt a hand gently but firmly grip my forearm, turning it and lifting it.
"...self inflicted...seem pretty recent"
"Can we assume this is suicide attempt?"
There was a brief pause to the voices, all I could hear was the sound of machines and shuffling of feet.
"Can we run bloods please for suspect overdose, prep Narcan, contact the school he came from to see if they can find anything in his bag, locker, wherever..."
Narcan? What? Was that a drug, a procedure? Would it stop all of this? I moved my hand up again to pull at whatever was around my face - realising it was a mask putting oxygen into my body - and began to mumble.
I then heard a voice, clear out of the commotion, as I felt a cold plastic tube loop around my face on my top lip, before I felt two fingers push it closer to my nose. Great, they were still giving me oxygen. Just let me die in peace, already.
"Keep this on, Keon. You're safe now."
I kept my eyes closed, the spinning feeling somehow still present though I was lying down - a sudden shooting pain in my head, right behind my eyes, erupted as I lost control of my body once again, the shaking taking over every single inch of me as I heard the rush of people around me.
"Okay, we need head CT, he's fitting, we need to get to the bottom of this..."
Every inch of me was shaking like electricity was running through my body as the dizzy feeling persisted and intensified - I didn't know when it would stop. Would it stop? I felt a pair of hands lift my head as others turned me onto my side as the feeling became somehow stronger. God, this was it, surely? Now? Could I rest in peace now? Just as quickly as it came, it went away and I felt every part of me breathe a collective sigh of relief as I slumped out, exhausted. I felt the mask from before come back over my face and I rolled my eyes back in my head, not having the strength to attempt to resist this time.
"I think it's in his best interests...do we have a parent on the way?"
"No, not yet confirmed whether there is someone with parental role on route..."
"...keep him stable, minimise the risk?"
"I'd go ahead with it. Get one of the nurses to prep it, then take him to ICU."
I racked my brain for what the fragmented conversation could possibly mean. ICU? Prep what? Why was my mum on her way?
A fuzzy voice came through as the dizzy feeling remained, intense, and the panic within me of another seizure or whatever those things were began to mount again, my heart pounding heavy but still slow in my chest.
"Okay sweetie, there's gonna be a pinch and then you're going to be really sleepy but try not to fight it..."
The voice began to fade away as I felt the pinch in my upper arm from what I assume to have been a needle.
"Lets get him up to ICU, get monitored and get him into CT ASAP...chase the bloods...get them to hurry up with the Narcan..."
The blackness in all corners of my sight began to consume all that I saw as the sound faded into deafening silence and every part of my being relaxed, a collective sigh. Was I going to wake up? I hope not.

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