Fourteen - Keon

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I looked around the new setting I had found myself in after opening my eyes. Strange, I didn't recognise this one. A long corridor, blueish green floor, blue walls, and it's oddly wide for your average corridor. Lights were high above and frequent but also windows, windows looking into rooms with brown doors and signs outside. What the fuck is this?
"Recognise this one?"
A new voice. I turned, trying to see where it was coming from but saw nothing. Slowly I turned around, and jumped.
"Otto," I sighed. "My subconscious thinks I need you?"
He smirked. "Well, you've had the others already. Looks like you got the full house."
I smirk. "Did my subconscious tell you I don't like people sneaking up on me?"
He looked me dead in the eyes. "Keeping you on your toes. Alertness is key. The moment you stop being alert, you might not come back again."
I looked around the corridor, looking right and left for any identifying factor which could set the record straight in my mind.
"Where the fuck is this?"
He shrugged. "Open that door and see."
I hesitated for a moment. I didn't like this, I said, but what other choice did I have? I gripped the handle tightly in my hand and opened the nearest door - inside, a bed. Monitors. IV bag stands. Visitor chairs. Slamming the door shut, I turned to face Otto.
"Why have you brought me to the hospital?"
He shrugged again. I didn't like how they never told me much, these subconscious people.
"...let them do their jobs."
A familiar voice echoed in my head.
"Geoff?" I shouted, looking for him. Was it just Otto? Or was Geoff here too? Where, where where...
I ran down the corridor chasing after the sound of Geoff's voice, getting louder and louder the faster and further I ran before finally - there. There he was, stood with-
"Awsten!" I shouted. He was crying? Crying hard. He didn't turn to look at me at all.
"Hey, I'm here. Listen to me!" I leaned forward to try and touch his hand but couldn't grip it, my fingers sliding through his fingers without feeling them. Otto stood behind me.
"He can't see you. Can't hear you. Can't feel you."
I started to panic, hopelessly trying to grab at Awsten and Geoff, both of them unaware I was there.
"Let's go. There's no point in being here," the real Geoff said. "Everyone's worried about you."
"Don't go, don't go..." I mumbled, frantically trying to grab Awsten's shirt to stop him but it was no good, as he started to trudge down the corridor, head angled toward the floor. I ran ahead of them and stood in front of Awsten but dread filled my stomach when he walked right through me - like I was a ghost. Like I was dead. Dead. I was dead to them.
Subconscious Otto sighed, coming up behind me. I let out a frustrated sigh before on the wall I could see a familiar name on the board outside one of the many identical wooden doors.
"Keon Parker, 17"
Fire shot through my veins as I let out a scream and doubled over. My entire body shook, burning as the electricity flooded through every inch of my body and the tears began to stream down my face as I clutched my ands over my head and curled up into this messy ball as I struggled to catch my breath.
"Your body is really giving up on you, huh?" Otto mumbled.
I gasped for air. "I...I...I guess it is," I sighed. The feeling began to fade away as I slumped out against the ground, exhausted. "What was that?" I mumbled, not hearing Otto respond. I looked up - and he was gone.
"...says 85%, BP 102..."
I rolled my eyes. I could hear the outside world.
"Let's get another head CT, possible MRI...document he's had a fourth seizure...."
I rolled my eyes. Another one.
"...looks like brain damage seems pretty likely."
I stopped for a moment. Brain damage? I'd caused so much harm that I'd permanently damaged myself but I didn't die? Pathetic.
I sighed, adjusting my body against the floor as I closed my eyes. I just wanted to fade away into the nothingness. I wanted it all to stop. Just stop, stop, stop...

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