Eleven - Keon

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The feeling of falling consumed me as it seemed my dream state rushed around me in a whirlwind, before I felt my feet steady against the floor. We were back in the corridor. I frantically looked for Awsten. The emptiness of the corridor, normally bustling with students, out a knotted feeling in the deepest part of my stomach.
"Oi, over here."
I turned at the sound of a voice but it wasn't Awsten's.
"G..Geoff?" I stuttered.
Stood there with Awsten he smirked. "Well, yes and no."
I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Subconscious, whatever I want you to be, I know, I know."
He stood up straight, arms folded and gazed around the corridor. "Peaceful for once, right?"
"Cut to the chase," I replied, getting a little irritated. "Why here? What's happening?"
He smirked again. "Us to know," - he indicated to himself and Awsten - "and you to find out."
I heard footsteps at the end of the corridor and walked towards the sound - curious I guess - to identify what it was. Two men, whom I had never seen before, in a green uniform. Green uniform? I looked closer at them, and what they held. Paramedics? What...?
The realisation came about - they were here for me. Would I see myself again? Did I want to?
"Curious thing, isn't he?" I heard Awsten mumble to Geoff. "Lost in his own mind."
I paced down the corridor, following the uniformed men, until we came to the car park, an ambulance parked there - the flashing of the lights strained my eyes and began a headache behind them. I stopped. I didn't want to go inside, see myself. I'd seen enough. Awsten and Geoff had followed me outside.
"How long does this go on for?" I quietly mumbled.
"How long does what go on for?" Geoff mumbled back.
"This," I sigh, knowing he knows what I mean. "Comatose."
He sighed. "It's unclear. We don't even know if you're gonna pull through."
A sudden overwhelming feeling of gagging came over me as I reached and doubled over, feeling liquid escape my mouth but nothing came out that I could see and the panic overwhelmed me.
"They're onto you."
Tears began to well in my eyes from the retching as I managed to gasp a "What the fuck".
"They know you overdosed. 50 pills are being forced out of your stomach."
I lay on the ground, panting, struggling to catch my breath and prayed for it to subside. Awsten and Geoff stood there, their eyes piercing and staring at me as I panicked deeper until finally, the feeling subsided and my whole body let out a collective sigh of relief and I slumped against the ground to catch myself up before pushing against the ground and collecting myself.
"Will they do that again?"
Awsten sighed. "Thankfully for you, no."
A collective feeling of relief rushed through my body. It wouldn't happen again. Thank fucking god.
I closed my eyes for a second but panic filled every inch of me when I opened my eyes to nothingness. Oh god, was this finally it? Had I succeeded? Was I going to die now without feeling every single thing they did to my body in the real world?
I stared to run but run where? Anywhere but here, i guess. My breathing quickened as I frantically searched for something in the horizon I could latch onto and make my target - the consistent ringing filled my whole head as overlapping mumbling voices became apparent, getting louder and louder and more muddled, certain words periodically becoming clearer out of the nonsense.
"....still hasn't stabilised."
"Liver results back and they aren't looking great..."
"...no, still waiting for results on that..."
Were they talking about me? Who were the voices? Doctors? Nurses? I could only assume they were as I continued to panic, staring around the nothingness in circles, looking for anything that could clarify my surroundings.
"Still waiting on Mum....school didn't find anything yet."
I stopped. They hadn't found the empty pill packets in the boys bathroom. They knew I had overdosed but on what?
"Narcan is working - his heart is better but not great. I'd push another round, maybe more adrenaline..."
I stood still for a minute, still searching for something before a sudden sharp stabbing in my hand overwhelmed me and what felt like fire spread through my entire body as I let out a scream, begging for it to stop. I suddenly felt the touch of hands against me, and a voice - Awsten? Geoff? - attempting to calm my overwhelming fears.
"It will pass..."
I held my breath as the feeling intensified again and then began to fade into nothing more than a memory as I swallowed my cries and my eyes rolled back in my head, exhausted. I opened them slowly to see Awsten - well, subconscious Awsten - sat cross legged on the white floor. I sighed.
"Adrenaline. Like fire in every vein."
I struggled to get up before finally managing it and breathing in the air in huge quantities.
"How come?"
He shrugged. "Worried you'll arrest. You've become close to it at least twice today."
I sighed. "Hate hospitals." I muttered under my breath.
From behind me, I felt anther hand and jumped a little, unexpected - Geoff. Well, subconscious Geoff.
"Tired of it yet?" He walked over and sat next to Awsten, legs stretched out in a relaxed fashion.
"This. Being trapped in your own crazy mind."
I sighed. "Better than reality I guess. Apart from all of the stupid things they keep doing."
He stared at me for a moment and then turned to Awsten, a mischievous glint in his eye and smirk painted across his face.
"I think it's high time we showed him."

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming (Waterparks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now