Twenty - Awsten

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The softness of a bed greeted the top of my thighs as I felt Geoff and Otto cautiously lower me, the nurse watching us from a couple of paces away, still holding his clipboard with a worried look about his face. Geoff slid onto the bed next to me, his arms around my shoulders, as the kind nurse stepped forward, knelt down and placed his hand over mine.

"Okay buddy, we're gonna try and stop this panic attack and make you feel a bit better, how does that sound?"

I managed a tiny nod. I felt something cold and hard slide over one of my fingers and looked down to see a little plastic peg.

"Don't worry, I just wanna see what your levels are like, you're shaking like crazy...."

I felt Geoff's grip around my shoulders gently tighten, possibly scared I would fall off the bed. My chest ached, all I wanted to do was sleep, but how could I if Keon was slowly dying and fading into nothing a few doors down the corridor? I felt two fingers brush over my wrist again, the room silent save my shallow and panicked breathing and a few murmurs from the nurse.

"Well, this is definitely the most intense panic attack I have ever seen. And no wonder your chest hurts, I can feel your pulse thumping like mad...can I listen?"

I made a slightly confused face.

"Awsten, he wants to check your heart is okay. That's all." Geoff said, quietly and softly.

I kept my eyes on the nurse as I gave a slight nod. He smiled, pulling his stethoscope from around his neck where it had been wrapped carefully to keep it out of the way, placing the stubs in his ears. The metal bit gently pressed against my chest, cold, but not painful. 

"You've got really good friends, I wish I had friends who took care of me like this."

I smiled a little as I heard Geoff smirk. The nurse gently pulled away the metal part from my chest.

"It's fast, because you're a panic attack, but I can't hear anything else which could be a serious problem. I think you'll be okay once you've calmed down properly."

He sat cross-legged on the floor and I watched him closely.

"I know it seems scary, when your friend is ill, but trust me when I say that he is in the best possible hands right now. They're doing everything they can, I promise."

My breathing began to slow as my eyes welled with fresh tears, the pain in my chest persistent but becoming more manageable - or was I just learning to live with it? His face was kindly, yet concerned, as I glanced at Otto stood a few steps away but still close, attentive. He held out his hand in front of me. 

"Trust me, I have a good feeling about the outcome of this. It's gonna take time, but I think it's gonna work out. us."

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