Twenty Four - Keon

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I fiddled with the hem of my jeans as the overlapping noise of monitors and voices persisted in my head, never-ending. God, won't they ever shut up. Are you bringing me out of this state or not? Suddenly there was a pause. I looked up, attentive, listening.

"This has gone on long enough."

Wait - are they letting me die? Are they granting my wish?

"Let his friends in, those three boys who have been waiting for the past two days. He should wake up within the next 24 hours. Testing can be carried out when the boy is conscious."

I threw my body back and stared up at the bare white sky. Great. Consciousness again. I sighed a frustrated sigh and kicked my legs a little before giving up, rising and starting to walk. How long did I have left in my own head? 24 hours. Probably less.

"I guess this is goodbye?"

I turned quickly at the sound of a voice.


He smiled. He looked fine, better than when I had pushed him out of frustration - I ran and hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry."

He wrapped his arms around mine and gently patted my back. "I know. But this is goodbye soon, from me, unless we meet again."

I sighed, breaking away from our hug. "I'm still not sure if I want to live anymore, you know."

He started to walk, motioning for me to follow. "I think you're alive for a reason. Wanna know what I think?"

I shrugged. "I guess."

"I think you're alive because like everyone else you have a purpose to fulfil."

I scoffed a little. He looked deep into my eyes, as I noticed the different colours within his. 

"This isn't the end, Keon. And sure, it's been a difficult journey, but you have people who care about you to guide you and catch you before you fall."

I looked perplexed. He smiled, before clicking his fingers and we appeared in a room, with blue walls and bright lights and several chairs, perched on the foot of a bed, a hospital bed.

"Hey, that's...the real you. And the real Geoff, and the real Otto!"

The subconscious Awsten smiled. "No more puzzles now, I'll tell you the real truth."

I gazed around the room, walking over to the real Awsten, Otto and Geoff, lazing about in the chairs. 

"They've waited for you for the past two days. They're worried, they care."

I felt tears well in my eyes. "I've....hurt them."

I turned to Awsten, perched on an empty bed. He nodded. "But they care. They want to help you."

I slowly stepped over to the real Awsten, reaching for his hand but unable to hold it. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "I...didn't realise."

I sighed, my heart filling with an immense sadness, before turning to the subconscious Awsten, now stood with the subconscious Otto and Geoff, their angry distorted faces from before now replaced with the familiar caring ones I had come to know and find peace within. I felt a lump form within my throat.

"This is goodbye. We've finished our jobs. But you've got to promise us something in return."

I nodded, listening.

"You're gonna keep fighting, Keon."

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming (Waterparks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now