Twenty Five - Awsten

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I pulled the chair as close to the bed as I possibly could, having just been allowed in the room by Jawn, reaching for Keon's hand and gently running my fingers over his, hoping the gentle strokes would help him wake up.

"They said he should be awake within 24 hours. Just got to be patient, I'm afraid." Jawn murmured as he fiddled with the monitors and a bag attached to a long pole, a thin plastic tube attached to the back of Keon's other hand. I squeezed his fingers gently, but nothing. 

"Give us a shout when he wakes up, okay? Someone will be at the main desk, just run and get them." Jawn smiled, and then turned on his heel and walked out of the door, pulling it closed behind him. Silence, save the quiet, consistent ping of the machines in the room with us. I felt a hand gently place itself on my shoulder - Otto.


I smiled, looking away from Keon briefly, before looking back to see if his eyes would open - they were the same as before, a small crack between the eyelids but still unmoving. Barely anything had changed, save a little more colour in his cheeks which gave his skin a warmer and more human feeling tone. The tubes across his face, one looping under his nose, around his ears and back down towards his chest, and another inserted into his nose and disappearing, still gave my stomach an upside-down feeling, though the rational part of my head reminded me it was entirely necessary for his survival in this state.  

"They're gonna be able to help him, Awsten. They can make him feel better emotionally as well as physically. And we're here for him too."

I nodded, my fingers running over Keon's, hoping for even the tiniest bit of response but still nothing. 24 hours? Surely Jawn wasn't serious. Sighing, I left my hand intwined with his, and waited.




Evening came. He was still not responding. Six hours now. Exhaustion filled my entire body as I leaned forward and rested my head on the side of the bed, my hand still wrapped around Keon's fingers. The gentle, persistent but regular beep of the monitor lulled me to sleep.

But then.


The monitor started to beep a little faster. In a panic, I rushed to wake and become alert, helplessly staring at the monitor before glancing around the room. Geoff and Otto, asleep on the other chairs, just an arm's reach away - frantically, I tapped Geoff's knee.

"Wh...what..?" he murmured, half-asleep.

"Keon." I whispered. I squeezed his hand gently, but my heart sank when there was no squeeze back. Suddenly, a rise in his chest, bigger than before, and a twitch of his fingers, his head moving slightly against the pillows. I gasped quietly.

"Get Jawn," I murmured.

"What? Awsten-"

"I SAID GET JAWN!" I hissed louder. Sighing, Geoff leaned forward in his chair and quickly made his way to the door, disappearing down the corridor as Otto began to wake up too, mumbling but quickly realising. Moments later, I heard Jawn's voice and the sound of rapid footsteps down the hall.

"He's awake?" Jawn asked me, coming over and glancing at all of the monitors.

"I...I think he's waking.." I mumbled, running my thumb over his fingers before-

A squeeze back, a groan, a murmur.

"Keon?" Jawn asked, before fiddling with the bed to make the head rise up.


Tears flooded my eyes. He was awake, he was okay. I felt Geoff and Otto standing behind me, Otto's hand around my shoulders and Geoff visible in the corner of my eye as we watched. Keon's eyes closed tightly before slowly beginning to open.

"Hi." I whispered. "It's Awsten. And Geoff. And Otto."

He murmured, before finally managing a smirk, another nurse rushing into the room at the news that Keon was awake, conscious. The happy tears in my eyes gently ran down my face as I watched his nose wrinkle, his head turned to face me.

"We're here." I mumbled. "We're here for you."

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming (Waterparks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now