Seven - Awsten

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I was paralysed - all I could do was stand there in shock.
"Someone get help."
"Call an ambulance. Go and call and ambulance from the office."
"He's clammy, he's cold..."

I jumped, and turned to where the sound had come from. It was Geoff, his hand on my shoulder.
"Stay here, I'm going to get help."
Geoff ran. I'd never seen him run. All I could do was stand completely still, staring at Keon. I wasn't entirely sure what I was looking at - I was petrified, paralysed with fear. What had just happened in the past minute? Why? What?
All I could hear was Keon gasping for breath and shaking, Mr McKenna holding his head and Otto moving the tables, chairs, bags, anything in the way. But what was I doing? Standing there. I had no idea what to do.
Was he going to die? Was he going to be okay? The uncertainty began to well up inside me and the sense of panic mounted in my chest as I stared, still silent, in complete fear.
Geoff suddenly appeared at the door, out of breath, a second art teacher rushing in to help.
"You alright, lad?" He glanced at me. All I could do was look at him and nod slightly.
"They've...they've called ambulance...." Geoff panted, wiping the hair out of his face. I breathed a sigh of relief for a second.
Keon finally stopped shaking but it didn't make the sight of him any less terrifying - his eyes partially open but rolled back, his muscles periodically jerking violently, drool pouring from his mouth, his lip bloody, still shivering, breathing raspy and shallow. The sleeves of his hoodie had become all bunched up and it revealed the scars, the cuts and the burns self-inflicted, most of them recent judging by their healing progress. I stared at them, desperate to look at something other than his gaunt, pale face. I could hear the teachers discussing, I periodically heard words - suicide, self harm, Hospital, parents - but couldn't hear the full conversation, the panic still swelling in my stomach.


Another teacher came in and escorted us to an office as I shakily sat in one of the chairs. She gave us water - whoever decided water was the thing to give people who are panicking because they've just seen someone suddenly start dying? I sipped on it once before just holding it in my hands, the quiver throughout my body causing ripples in the cup. It felt like forever - was it forever? I watched through the window as two men in uniform, a green uniform, carrying large backpacks and strange equipment, made their way past the office door, escorted by a worried-looking teacher. Were they here to take Keon away? Probably.
I heard a familiar voice but in all of the panic and confusion, I didn't realise it was Geoff.
"It's going to be okay."
I scoffed. "How do you know?"
He sighed. He couldn't retaliate to that with a logical, well reasoned and well argued answer. We went back to silence, Otto pacing the room, fiddling with the various stationary on the desks or whatever he fished out of his pockets, or his hair. I scuffed my feet against the floor as I swung them back and forth to ease my anxieties. The uncertainty was crippling.

What the fuck do we do now?

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