Ten - Awsten

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Every passing second felt like a minute, every minute like an hour, in this stupid, messy office. Otto had stopped pacing - finally - and instead sat on the floor with his head in his knees leaning against the leg of the table. Geoff perched himself on the edge of the same table, picking at the nail beds of his fingers, whilst I sat in a chair lined with weirdly beige fabric, my feet firmly planted into the floor, elbows resting on my thighs. Had it been an hour? Two? Three?
The latch of the door clicked as it slowly opened, Mr McKenna and another teacher coming in - I hadn't seen someone so worried in god knows how long.
"Keon is in the hospital..."
The first teacher began to speak but I felt every word process slowly in my mind. I must have missed half the sentence.
"...in the best hands right now."
I ran my hands up my face, rubbing my eyes and cheeks in exhaustion.
"Is he going to be okay?" Otto mumbled.
"We..." the teacher began. Mr McKenna's tired eyes stared at the floor, his hands together behind his back. The other nameless teacher sighed. "All we know is he's in an induced coma to keep him safe whilst they get to the bottom of this, and he is being closely monitored in the ICU."
The lump in my throat came forwards as I stifled the feeling of wanting to cry, leaning my head back. The hesitation of the nameless teacher was deafening - will he be okay or not?
I glanced at the door and behind Mr McKenna's shoulder I could see two uniformed men - police officers?
"Why are they here?" I mumbled, pointing at the officers. My voice was small, dry, weak - it didn't sound like my own.
Mr McKenna turned to look at them and sighed. "I can't tell you that, it's about Keon's life outside of school."
I sighed. How could I be this exhausted? I looked over at Geoff, staring out of the window.
"I want to go home. You guys coming?"

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming (Waterparks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now