New town,new life?

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                            Patrick p.o.v:
Patrick stump just moved to Chicago to escape the bullying and beatings of his old school " patrick fucking stop standing and fucking help" i hear mom scream at me "I'm fucking coming hold up" im so glad we moved away from the piss town of Monroeville Alabama uh maybe the bullying and homophobic slurs will finally stop i think to myself i just wish i had someone who understood me for who i am if my mom found out im gay i would be dead "patrick go to the store and get some food there's money on the counter" I hear mom scream "going right now" i scream back.

Im on my way to the store until i hear footsteps behind me i immediately drop to the floor and start screaming "stop i cant help im gay dont hurt me" "um what?" i look up at this geeky looking guy he's wearing a metallica shirt and wears glasses "oh sorry im new here" i get up and stare for a second but then he replies back "um hi im andy nice to meet you where did you move from?" i take a moment to respond, what is this?  i think to myself and actually nice person " um i moved from Monroeville Alabama its a really shitty town" " i know I've heard" i then proceed to shake his hand and i notice im fucking sweating super hard "i guess I'll be going now" i say nervously "wait you should come eat with me and my mom we saw the moving truck and my mom told me to ask you if you wanted to eat with us" "i would love to" i reply back oh my god hes fucking adorable i think to myself i want him " well see you later" andy says as he runs back to his house "mom!" i scream "what the fuck is it?" she screams back "the neighbors invited us to dinner, can we go please" "i would love to, lets head over there now" wow i think to myself she never wanted to talk to people back in Monroeville but hey maybe she's changed.

"Well knock on the door patrick" mom commands me i knock three times a skinny looking women answers the door "you must be the new neighbors please come in" "patrick why don't you talk with andy why I help her with dinner" "okay" i say back i walk up to andys room i walk in and its filled with posters and i see a drum kit in the corner "you play drums?" i ask stupidly already knowing the response " Yeah there so much fun" im sorry i cant he is so cute i wanna kiss him so much "so tell me about yourself patrick" he asks me "well i play guitar i sing a little bit im gay" i rush out hoping he didn't hear the gay part " wait you're gay? he ask "shush nobody else knows" he then immediately hugs me "oh my god im gay too dont let that get out at school they will kill you" i let out a bug sigh i thought this place would be different but at least i found someone who doesn't mind that im gay " kids dinner" i hear Andy's mom yell "coming" we yell back in unison we finished eating pretty quick i talked with andy a bit more about bands and about being gay and my old school "what grade are you in?" he ask "um 9th actually" i reply back " cool you'll like the school i cant wait for you to meet my friends you'll love them" "are any of them gay?" i ask nervously "i think joe and Pete are" that's great more people i can actually talk too "patrick time to go" i hear my mom yell "see you at school tommorow" i say "alright then see you in the morning" i run downstairs thank Andy's mom for dinner and we walk back across the street to my house i immediately run to my room to get everything set up for tommorow "i cant wait" i say to myself before dozing off to sleep.


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