V - Fate

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Back when you were little you used to like playing by The Barrens.

Your parents didn't like you to.

It being wasteland, and having dangerous access to the town's sewer pipes.

They couldn't do anything about it though because you never asked for permission to go there.

You simply excused yourself to the park, or somewhere acceptable, and found yourself exploring The Barrens minutes later.

No one ever bothered you there. You could sing, you could role-play, you could do whatever your heart desired.

Then, it became even greater.

It held a special place in your heart because it was where you met him.


**your friend's name

(Y/F/N) was like your mirror image.

Both of you were the same age.

You were alone.

A bit strange.


It was weird that you'd never seen him at school before, but he right away explained that it was because he had just moved into town that summer.

The sun had shone its beams and created a friend for you.

You happily obliged.

You met (Y/F/N) the first day of summer vacation.

That day you had dared yourself to go into the pipes for some reason. It was due to some weird dream you can't remember years later, but it was so strong then.

You found yourself mindlessly stepping into the black tube. It could engulf you now, but back then you were even smaller. It could have made you disappear like nothing.

You leaned against its inner wall, peering into the darkness ahead. Leaking water could be heard echoing throughout. A foul odor emitting.

Your shoes squelched with each small step your little feet managed in the sludge at the pipe's "floor".

A giggle came from deeper inside the tunnel, making you stop cold.

It continued, sounding closer and closer.

You remained rooted in the sludge - not able to move out of fear.

Until a dark shadow about your size faced you from some feet away.

You started shaking, still not able to move.

The shadow came closer and  closer, giggling.

You closed your eyes, praying.

I'll listen to my parents, dear God. I'll be GOOD.

Squelching could be heard as the figure approached you.

A gentle slush. The giggling stopped.

Your breath came out hard.

"Boo." A boy's voice said.

You screamed like the girls you saw in horror movies. Pointlessly.

A boy's laugh met your piercing scream.

You opened your eyes and was met with those of a boy your age.

"Hi, I'm (Y/F/N)." He said with a devilish smile, holding out his hand. "Who are you?"

You were shocked at his complete act of obliviousness.

Like he just hadn't basically crawled out of a sewer pipe and scared the living waste out of you.

And now he was introducing himself like some sort of adult out of the 1800s.

He was just missing a top hat.

who the heck.

But you held out your hand regardless, letting him grasp it tight.

It was something from the dream that told you this was alright.

"I'm (Y/N)."

The rest was history.

A Penny for Your Thoughts (Yandere! Pennywise x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now