XVI - Hot Water

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You woke up screaming. Again.

"Leave me alone!"

There was no one there.

Only the dark figures of your furniture.

Fingers rubbing against your temples, knees to your chest - you rocked yourself back and forth in your twisted bed sheets.


You ignored the voice of your father.

"(Y/N)?" He repeated, this time using your nickname. It was one you hadn't heard since childhood. You'd told him to stop when (Y/F/N) disappeared because he had also frequently referred to you that way.

Warm strong arms wrapped themselves around you and plopped you on a lap. You didn't resist.

"(Y/N), what's been going on with you?"

You shook your head frantically and started sobbing into his chest.

His hands gently combed through your crusty hair, hugging you tighter.

"Dad, I just feel so. So lost?"

"Did those Bowers kids bother you again?"

"No. I mean-"

"I don't care if Henry's dad is a cop. (Y/N), if he's hurting you then you just say the word and he's gone. No one hurts my princess."

You sobbed harder. He hugged harder.

"I've just never felt so alone. I don't even know myself anymore!"

"It'll all be okay sweetie. Why don't you go take a nice warm shower to relax yourself and we'll continue talking after. You're a little stinky right now." He plopped you back onto your original spot and laughed at the end of his sentence, attempting to bring a smile to your face.

You managed a flicker of a laugh. "Yeah dad. Thanks."

"No problem kiddo." He patted you on the head and left you alone once again.

With a heavy sigh you slumped out of your bed and grabbed your towel as well as a new change of clothes.

The bathroom was spotless and smelled like disinfectant. Your poor mother who had to clean up the mess you'd left behind.

One by one, you peeled your garments off and discarded them into a pile on the side of the bathtub.

The knob turned softly under your touch, all the way to the end until vapor fogged up the mirror and the shower's screen doors. You slid the door near the shower head open and gingerly stepped in. At first the scalding water caused you to let out a string of curses, but within a few seconds the water covered you like a second skin. You closed your eyes and stretched your arms upwards, letting your back expand and your legs to loosen their muscles.

It felt so good.

When you squeezed the shampoo straight from its bottle onto your hair it felt cool like snow. You lathered it up and let the water wash it out in bubbles down your chest. The lathering of soap on your skin created a cascade of bubbles stemming further down to your toes.

It smelt sweet.

A hum echoed from you, switching to full on song.

You had your eyes closed but you managed to take the shower head off its handle and used it like a microphone.

Your free hand stretched upwards again while you danced in the slippery tub.

Rubber bounced against your touch.

The tune you so happily belted out just a second ago faltered. You brought your hand up higher and reached out, fingers rubbing what felt like balloons above you.

"Fucking clown!" Your eyes shot wide open, stinging with subtle remains of shampoo but you ignored it.

There was no clown to be seen.

You looked above you and only saw wet tiles along the ceiling.

Frustrated but relieved you went back to your karaoke session.

Behind you the gurgle of the shower drain became unbearable.

"Seriously," you grumbled. "Can't I have one moment of peace?!?"

You bent down to move the mesh covering it and instead of finding hair blocking the drain, you found only a red film.

"Seriously, what the fuck..." The material felt pressurized, springing under your finger each time you pressed into it.

It started leaving the drain. You stumbled backwards, watching the red film take the form of a balloon like someone was blowing life into it from beneath the drain.

You didn't give it a second thought.

You quickly grabbed the handle of one of the shower's glass doors so that you could run away, but the doors wouldn't budge.

"Please," you begged desperately. "Please open!" They did not.

The balloon had successfully wrung itself free from the drain and floated in front of you, its string still partly in the drain.

You did the most reasonable thing you could think of and snatched your razor blade off a ledge, thrusting it into the balloon. It popped and drenched everything in the shower red. A howl escaped from the drain.

"Fuck you clown! Stay away from me!" You yelled, while shaking in the corner of your shower.

It only howled with laughter. In the span of a second the drain spit the whole clown out in front of you.

You blushed as you realized you were completely naked.

On its own accord, your hand pointed the shower head towards him and sprayed steaming hot water all over his face.

His eyes bulged out and his skin dripped down like melting wax. He sobbed curling into a little ball at your feet. "Oh you're no fun (Y/N). Look what you did to me."

You laughed, thinking you'd gotten him.

You hadn't.

"You're making my heart melt for you little one."

A yelp left you as he pulled you down by your ankles. 

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