IX - Loser's Club

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"Wow (Y/N). Henry REALLY hates you." Richie sang into your ear as he rode past you.

Currently you were sitting on Mike Hanlon's handlebars, weakly holding on and trying not to throw up.

You would've walked but you felt so drained - both physically and emotionally. Plus, Mike offered to give you a ride on his bike. He said something about finding your situation relatable.

You simply turned to give Richie a death stare but he didn't notice. He was far ahead picking on Eddie for some reason.

"What did you mean when you said you found my situation relatable?" You asked Mike softly so that no one could hear.

"The other day they did the same thing to me."

You took a glance back at Mike, careful to not slip off the handlebars.

It just made you confused. Why would they do that to him?

He didn't look like a loser.

He wasn't fat. He wasn't too skinny.

He didn't stutter.

He was just a normal guy.

"At The Barrens?"

"Yeah. The Loser's Club saved me."

There it was again - The Loser's Club. Maybe Bill hadn't been making fun of you after all.

"But why would you get picked on?"

Mike stayed quiet for a few minutes.

He cleared his throat and just said matter-of-factly, "They killed my parents."

You audibly gasped.

The Bower's Gang killing two adults? You'd never even heard such a rumor. It helped cement your theory though.

"How? Why?"

You risked another glance back at him, locking sight.

His dark brown eyes were so sad. You could feel an ache in your soul.

"For being different."

You didn't press any further and decided to just look at the crumbly skid marked road in front of you.

It stayed silent between you until Mike stopped his bike in front of your yard.

The grass was soft under your feet. Gently, you hopped off the handlebars and almost fell but Mike held you steady.

You thanked him and he gave you a small smile.

Before you turned back to the rest of the group he opened his mouth as if to say something.

You nodded at him patiently.

"They were killed in a fire."

Suddenly it hit you. The abandoned house charred to nothing but ruins.

His parents.

"E-everything okay?" Bill asked out of nowhere.

You jumped.

Apparently you had gotten so absorbed in Mike's story and the connection to your serial killer theory that you hadn't noticed everyone was off their bikes and circling you.

"All good guys," Mike reassured, "Just telling her my story."

Bill nodded, looking at him with shared loss.

"So what's your story (Y/N)?" Eddie asked timidly.

You walked over to your porch and sat down.

A Penny for Your Thoughts (Yandere! Pennywise x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now