XVII - Shower Thoughts

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"Fuck you clown! Stay away from me!" You yelled, while shaking in the corner of your shower.

It only howled with laughter. In the span of a second the drain spit the whole clown out in front of you.

You blushed as you realized you were completely naked.

On its own accord, your hand pointed the shower head towards him and sprayed steaming hot water all over his face.

His eyes bulged out and his skin dripped down like heated wax. He sobbed curling into a little ball at your feet. "Oh you're no fun (Y/N). Look what you did to me."

The water darting out of your shower head made the red from the balloon you popped earlier swirl around It like a river of blood. Beads of red tinted water plopped onto the porcelain surface beneath you, echoing in the narrow shower area of your bathroom. Your dripping face beamed with victory.

He lay still. Tendrils of red curled around him mixing in with the melted residue of his white skin making a lake of melted peppermint candy.

There was no way to see It's face because he covered it with his arms, but even though the water you aimed at him steamed away it looked as if he was no longer melting.

Suspicion arose from your behalf.

Slowly you dragged your now wrinkled feet along the bathtub towards It. With each inch your soles slapped and squelched along the red layer of water coating your tub.

It continued pressed against the edge of the tub in a fetal position. The spray from your shower head beat on him harder the closer you got to him but he still wouldn't melt again.

Cautiously you reached down to uncover his face, pulling his head up with a tug of his orange hair. His arms flopped to the sides and his head angled forward towards you. Golden eyes were not visible as his eyelids were shut. He looked pretty dead. You let go of his hair immediately. A sticky strand of his molted sludge hung from your fingertips and you frowned remembering the way he had manifested a red and blue strand between his own hands back at The Barrens.

A loud bang sounded when his head hit the tub's faucet. His limp body followed with other bangs as he slipped out of his fetal position and crashed down with his limbs sprawled out like a starfish.

You laughed, thinking you'd gotten him.

You hadn't.

"You're making my heart melt for you little one," cooed the psycho clown laying in your bathtub.

A yelp left you as he pulled you down by your ankles.

You kicked him in the face and he howled in mock pain, scuttling to the opposite side of the shower. He put his arms over his head and shook violently.

"You're not scared today?"

"No! I just want you to leave me alone! I want everyone to leave me alone! Why can't everything just go back to normal?"

His head perked back up and he looked you up and down.

With a shiver you brought your arms over your private spots, attempting to cover as best you could.

"You don't want to be alone." He leered.

Within seconds he was standing up again and towering over your sitting figure.

"Why do you keep on bothering me? What are you?!?" The shower head streamed water down your bent knees, creating a puddle around you. Steam hissed about your body. It made the clown look creepier as you could only see him through the veil of water vapor. His eyes glowed like burning gold.

A Penny for Your Thoughts (Yandere! Pennywise x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now