XI - A Red Balloon

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"So the dating simulation begins. At the end of class I'll have partners share out their answers to the survey questions!" The sub sat on her desk chair with the utmost relaxation, taking out a magazine to read. Not a care in the world. As if she hadn't just placed your head into the guillotine.

Henry was your executioner.

If you wanted to leave your desk you couldn't because Henry had you caged into the lovely dark corner you had chosen for the class period.

The sub was just useless and blissfully unaware of anything taking place in her temporary classroom.

Your classmates could care less about any of your discomfort.

No one stood up to the Bowers' Gang.

Only you had been stupid enough to do so, and look at you now.

You didn't know what to do at all for the next hour.

Henry still had your wrist in his hand but he wasn't crushing it anymore.

His thumb glided along your wrist in circles, rough skin against your soft skin.

You tried to take it out of his grasp but he held it tight.

Your eyes went from your hands to his arms.

The muscles adorning his limbs were threatening.

He wasn't a big guy but the way that his biceps popped when he tauntingly waved the survey paper in front of your face was enough to bring a gulp to your throat.

Henry could kill you.

And no one would care.

Just like Mike's parents.

His whole frame was thin but lean. Throat thick and adam's apple sticking out with each snicker of his.

The image of slicing a knife across his throat crossed your mind. Blood would stream down and cover his pale skin like a velvet blanket. Screams would spill from his colorless lips and his baby blues would be black and distorted.

Golden eyes would applaud you, gloved hands painting your lips in his red.

Kill him.

A loud film of noise coated your classroom; chatter, giggles, pencil on paper.

No one was paying you or Henry any attention now.

Make your troubles go away.

It was a cruel whisper sneaking in through the open window and chilling the blood in your veins.

Henry's jaw moved in patterns of words that you know, but from his lips escaped the strange whisper.

Are you scared?

His blonde lashes framed golden pools with black slanted pupils.

(Y/N) I want you.

A goofy snigger accompanied the letters of his taunting alphabet.

I want you dead.

You got your wrist out of his hand and brought your fingertips to his neck. Nails cutting in.

"I want you dead!" You cried.

Blue surprise kicked out the golden from his eyes.

He reached up to take your hands from his neck and gripped them tight in one of his.

"That's not nice," he chided you. "Looks like you need me to teach you how to be a good girl."

You looked to the front of the classroom hoping someone would notice.

A Penny for Your Thoughts (Yandere! Pennywise x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now