X - Health Class

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In the hallways everyone murmured about you.

It wasn't something you found strange.

Since a young age people would call you out for being different, but at some point you had managed to become invisible.

People would still see you of course. But they wouldn't bother, they just didn't care enough about you to even call you out for anything.

You were just a nobody.

For the most part.

Now you were somebody and you weren't sure you wanted to deal with the consequences.

You held your hands tight around the top of your backpack straps, super self-conscious about your movements since everyone's eyes lingered on you.

Who were you now? You wondered.

Not the loner.



She doesn't have a boyfriend because she's basically a boy.

No guy would want to date a crazy bitch like her.

She doesn't talk because she doesn't know how to.

Bill is the only person who talks to her so she saved him.

Henry didn't pay her for sex so she got mad.

She's a whore like Beverly.

Everyone was so annoying at this school, and they wondered why you didn't ever talk to them.

They were literally hell itself.

With flaming cheeks you basically threw yourself into your locker and got your stuff for health class.

Health class was always your least favorite class because you found it so useless.

Basically if you have good hygiene and don't fuck people for a hobby you're set.

Why you were forced by the school to sit your way through the daily trauma inducing lectures was something you'd never be able to figure out.

To make matters worse, you had the class with the Bowers' Gang.

It hadn't mattered before of course.

Even when Henry started stalking you a while back it still hadn't made much of a difference. You would just catch him observing you.

Now was different though.

You felt like you were in a coming of age horror movie.

All you needed was telekinesis and a controlling evil mother. Scratch that, you were good as you were.

Once you had your health textbook and notebook you reluctantly stepped into the designated classroom and sat in the last row, in the darkest corner.

Classmates looked at you and whispered things to each other as if you couldn't hear them.

A zoo animal. That's what you felt like.

You groaned and laid your head on your cold desk, hoping that maybe staring at the wall next to you for the next hour would be enough to get through the class.

The bell rung startling you a bit and causing you to make your desk jump. Someone around you laughed.

Mentally you gave them the middle finger.

Once the bell gave its last ding, a voice projected itself from the front of the room.

"Hello class! Your teacher wasn't able to be here today for your last day of school, but she wanted me to tell you to stay safe and remember not to make decisions you'll regret."

A Penny for Your Thoughts (Yandere! Pennywise x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now