VI - Your Touch

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In your dream you were always wandering through The Barrens at night.

The moonlight would cast silver figures around you, leading you into the pipes.

In the pipes it was dark, murky foul-smelling water drizzling around you like it did when you had gone in the first time. When you met (Y/F/N).

Only this time there was simply silence lurking beneath the drips of the dirty water.
Silence and fear.
It crawled up your spine, settling into a numbing crown around your head.

You were calling out for (Y/F/N). A feeling of panic lodged in your throat, as if (Y/F/N) was in danger but you couldn't figure out why.

It was especially weird because it's been years since you'd even seen (F/N).
He was your best friend, always by your side. Then one day he just wasn't there anymore.
Gone from your life just as quickly as he'd appeared.
And you couldn't remember why.

Yet here you were years later still dreaming about looking for him.

You walked as if in a trance through random tunnels.
You crawled through narrow passageways.
You trudged through slimy ponds of disposal.
You couldn't remember the paths you took or why you did, but aimlessly carried on in the Derry underground.

Until you found yourself in a large open area with a high ceiling.

This was where the dream ended usually.
Today was different.

Henry was in it.

You backed away from his figure as he neared you. He'd been following you the whole time.

"(Y/N), I've been waiting to get you alone," he smirked.

You tried to run out through one of the many tunnel openings in the room, but he quickly grabbed you.

His hand was tight around your wrist.
With each twist you made to escape, his grip only tightened.

His other hand pulled your waist to him and turned you around so fast that you were too dizzy to focus on anything.

The face in front of you was just a blur slowly inching closer.


Something soft pushed against your lips.

You pulled at his hand on your wrist, crying out.

All of a sudden he was off of you.

Crying sounded from all around you, breaking you.
It was your own.
You couldn't stop the tears.
Nor the wails releasing from your chest.

Henry stood in front of you covered in blood.
His white tank top splattered in it.
Blood smeared on his jeans, speckled over his white tennis shoes.
Dotting his pale smiling face.

The knife in his hand made you shake.

"Don't hurt me!" You screamed.

"All I want is your fear." He growled.

His whole body started shifting.

You screamed harder.

In front of you stood a freakishly tall clown.

He wasn't covered in blood, but he was somehow scarier than Henry bathed in it.
He was so tall that he was hunching over you, his shadow engulfing you.

For some reason you walked right up to him, shaking.

It was almost as if he were a magnet and you a little piece of metal being pulled towards him.
You were a foot away from him, standing in his large shadow.

His amber eyes dug into your own.
His body dug into your own.
It was so fast that you had no time to react.
You just felt and groaned against it.
The feeling so foreign but sending heat coursing through your body.

You shuddered as you felt yourself go flying backwards into a wall, a loud crack reverberating in the room once your head met the concrete.

It was hard trying to remain conscious.

You used your shaking hands to lift your drooping head, blinking violently to sway the feeling of knocking out away.

As you desperately shook your head you felt a clear liquid start dripping from your hair onto your face.
His spittle.

The clown's hands latched onto your wrists, pinning your arms above your head.
Weakly, you pulled against him.
No use.

The clown met your eyes with his own before they completely rolled back into your head.
Two buck teeth shone from his mouth as he smiled at you.
It would have been almost comical if he wasn't literally harassing you.

"What a good little girl." He drooled over you.

His tongue forced itself into your mouth. Feeling it pushing its way into your throat, you gagged. He giggled, holding onto you harder.

You were suffocating.

His lips pressed against yours roughly.
There was no mercy in his kiss at all.

A whimper left your lips when you felt his free hand pressing your body harder against his.
He bit into your lower lip.
You gasped.
The blood leaked out and intermingled with his drool.
As you forced your head away, a thick red strand stood between you both.

The taste of iron filling your mouth as Henry's blue eyes looked right back at you, in his place.

In the background you could hear the clown giggling.
(Y/F/N) joining in.

A Penny for Your Thoughts (Yandere! Pennywise x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now