🌤 Chapter Two 🌤

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• Please watch the godly Finn memes •

As me and Brynn walk into the concert I see a lot of fans there. Brynn pushes us to the front. People giving Brynn the look and me saying sorry a lot.

In 10 minutes Finn and his band walk out. "How are you guys doing tonight?" Finn yells into the mic. Everyone screams good, perfect, I love you Finn, etc. Brynn yells " Finn I love you !" He looks at her and smiles and looks at everyone. "Let's start then !" He says . They start to play. I sway to the music with Brynn.

She's having the time of her life here. I look up at Finn and see him staring at me then looks away. I giggle a little. Then he plays my favorite song and I get happy. But of course I don't show it. Brynn sings along with him. And reaches down grabs her hand as he sings. She smiles and I take a photo of this. He winks at me and I look away. He let's go have her hand and gives me one last look before going back to singing and dancing on stage.

She asks " Did you see that!! I'm in love!!!" I laugh as she fake faints but not falling down. She goes back to keeping her eyes on Finn.

I look away for a second and then I look back and Finn looking at me and handing me a piece of paper on it. Look at it and it's his number. I look at Brynn and she looks at me. I'm in shock and she's jumping around .

• Time skip because...IM LAZY •

We drive back home and Brynn is freaking out because Finn give me his number. All she can talk about is Finn and his eyes, freckles, and his hair. I laugh at the thought of Finn giving me his number.

When we get back home Brynn stays the night at my house. We sit there and watch "To all the boys I've loved before." I made popcorn and got drinks. "I WANT AN REAL LIFE NOAH! " she yells. I die of laughter and almost spill the popcorn.

With in an hour Brynn is asleep and I look at the number he gave me. Should I text it? I know Brynn would say "HELL YES!" But I don't know. I'm about to go to bed but then I feel weird in my stomach. So I grab my phone and put in the number and text " Hi I'm y/n and you gave me your number tonight." And go to sleep.

• Time skip to morning •

I wake up and see Brynn is still asleep. I check my phone and see an message from an contact "Finn?"

Hey y/n this is Finn Wolfhard. 👋

Why did you give me your number Finn ?

I put down my phone and walk to my bathroom and brush my hair and teeth. I yawn and stretch. I wash my face with my morning burst face wash. And walk about to my bed to find Brynn awake look on Netflix. She presses stranger things and I sigh.

I sit with her and joke "Noah is so hot." She looks at me with shock. "Y/n your saying you don't like Finn but Noah is hot! What the heck !! Noah is my backup if you sistor snatch Finn away from me ." Brynn says . I laugh my ass off to this. "Me and Finn won't date he's dating Jenna Ryans the YouTuber remember? " "ugh oh yeah that shii suck hairy balls..!" Brynn says. I laugh at her words. And then my phone rings. I check and I see the contact "Finn?". "See its a sign from heaven he's yoursssss

Heyy how do you like the story so far?
Also the Finn memes killed me at like 3:00 a.m. almost wake my family up 😂
Vote and comment ❤️😔

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