🌤 Chapter Sixteen 🌤

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Finn has been coming over a lot to help with the baby. Sometimes he just sleeps here. Which I guess is fine because he is the dad of the baby. I really love him being here. I feel a lot safer with him. And I'm glad I told him. I'm am now 20 weeks pregnant. Being pregnant is kinda fun. I can be rude to people and not get in trouble. So I'm having the time of my life.

"Hey y/n I got you pickles and chocolate. This is the worst meal I have ever seen." Finn says handing me my food. "Thanks Finn." I say and smile. He smiles back and sits on the other couch. "What do you wanna watch?" Finn asks. "Bread Winners." "That's a kid show." "So?" "Fine." Finn finally gives in. And if your wondering Finn and Millie are still together even though we kissed. I mean we kiss sometimes in the last two weeks. I don't think we will ever be mine. But we are tied together by the boy growing in me.

"Hey Millie is calling me." Finn says as he stands up. I nod and eat a pickle. I wish I didn't care who he was with. But I do. I mean he is my baby daddy for crying out loud. And cheated on me with Millie got me pregnant then stayed with her. I shouldn't be so upset. I should know he would never be with me.

Finn walks back in. "Sorry I got to go to a party as Millie's date." He says. "Oh okay." I say sadly looking at my feet. He grabs my face making me look at him. He kisses me and then puts in shoes on. "Bye y/n and Hayden I love you." I smile and wave goodbye. Then he's gone. I look back at the tv.

• an hour later •

I change the channel and I see a red carpet walk thingy. A woman with wayyy to much makeup comes up to the screen. "Here comes the it couple Finn Wolfhard and Millie Bobby Brown. Hopefully one day Millie Bobby Wolfhard." The woman says I cringed. "WHAT ABOUT ME? I WANNA BE MRS. WOLFHARD!" I yell at my tv.

Wait what am I saying. I can't be Mrs. Wolfhard. Finn is a player! He kisses me when he's with Millie and I truly am sorry for her. He's a dick. The only reason he is in my life is for our son. If it wasn't that he wouldn't be back in. Am worried for our son. He is famous. Will our son be famous? I'm not sure. But I hope if he is he's happy. But right now I'm happy where I am. With my baby daddy and my ever growing son.


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