🌤 Chapter Thirteen 🌤

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•it's been five weeks since you've been home•

I wake up feeling as if imma throw up. I run to the bathroom and throw up. I've felt so bad recently. I mean me and Finn haven't talked but me and Noah talk everyday. I love that little guy. I sigh and flush the toilet and I get a FaceTime request from Noah. "You good girl?" He asks. "I've been so sick" "maybe you pregnant? Jk jk unless." I laugh at the thought. "Me pregnant please." "Who and when we the last time you had sex?" He asks. I sigh and say "five weeks ago and Finn.." "girl best go get a fucking pregnancy test right now." I sigh.

"I'll walk there now and get one if it makes you happy little baby." I say. He smiles and I walk there him still on the phone. I grab a clearblue pregnancy test and pay for it. Then I walk out of the store.

I get home and go to the bathroom. I sit him there but turn my camera off. After I pee I get up wash my hands and sit it on the counter upside down. "If I'm pregnant your the god father." I say. He smiles. "It would be an honor." He says and I laugh. Soon the timer I set goes off and I check it.

I start to freak out. "IM PREGNANT!" I point to my tummy. "This shit is so fucked." I say. Noah looks at me. "Told ya so!" He says with a laugh. "Wait you gotta tell Finn!" He says. "No no I don't." I say. "He doesn't deserve to know!" I say. Noah shakes his head. "Wait I need to make an appointment!" I say. He laughs at me. I look at him and hang up. I call the doctors and get an appointment. After that I try to call him back but I guess he's on set and can't answer.

I lay on my bed and freak out. I'm pregnant me pregnant and it's Finn's of course. I have an appointment tomorrow I can't go on my own. I'll call Brynn and ask her. "Hello!" I hear Brynn say. "Hey so um can you go to the doctors with me tomorrow?" I ask. "For sure what time?" She asks. "Um 12:50 p.m." "kk I'll see you then y/n/n." Then she hangs up.

• Time skip to morning •

I woke up at 10:00 a.m. so I rush and get ready. I throw on some clothes and brush my hair then teeth.

After that I check my phone and see it's 11:00. So I run down stairs and make some food. I sit and eat my yummy food. Then I walk over to my tv and wait for Brynn to pick me up.

Soon I hear a knock I get up and answer the door. "Kk lets go y/n" she says and I walk out to her car. She drives me there.

When we get there I let the receptionist my name and age. He nods and point to where to sit. I sit with Brynn and wait to be called. Soon I hear " Y/n l/n." I stand up with Brynn and we walk in. "So miss l/n your here because your pregnant correct?" I nod at the woman and see the shock on Brynn's face but she stays quiet. She asks me a lot of questions. I answer them the best I can then she sets me up for my next appointment.

I walk out to Brynn's car then she says "YOUR PREGNANT!" "Yes I am and before you ask Finn is the dad. And no he doesn't know." I answer her. She sighs and drives me home. Once I get home I call Noah. He answers. "Okay so I have my next appointment soon. I'm 5 weeks we found that out." Then I see him smile at me. "That's great y/n/n." I laugh and make some chicken strips and fries in my air fryer.

We talk for hours but then it gets late so we get off the phone and I watch TV.

So after this point this gonna skip a lot around your pregnancy because more happens after the baby is born.

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