🌤 Chapter Five 🌤

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• I died watching that •

I sigh and hop in the shower. The hot water calms me. Then I close my eyes and I feel as if Finn is here. I turn around and open my eyes. But nothing there. "Finn get out of my head.." I say and sigh. I have school tomorrow uGh!

I get out of the shower and brush my hair out. Then my teeth. I check my phone and I'm in an group chat of a lot of people even Brynn is in it. Omg!! Noah, Millie, Jack, Jaeden, Wyatt, Finn, Brynn, Sophia and..Jenna. I'm about to leave and I don't think anyone knows I'm in but Noah and Brynn.

Ugh last night sucked!!! She was an

Y/n is not a bitch 😡

I think y/n is really nice.

Yes she is super sweet to us. 😊

She is also cute 🤷‍♂️

Dang she got my fav man and my backup
Man too..that kinda hurted 😔

I really like y/n..AS a friend..😕

Y/n is my bff

She took my place 😔😭

Ugh Finn if you like y/n so much
marry her 🙄

Calm down Jenna 😡🙄

Y/n is really cool. And if Finn wants to be
Friends with her you can't stop him.

I haven't met y/n yet but I'm sure she's great! 😊

She really is.

Finn gotta crush 😂😏

I'm his girlfriend 😡

Oh your here 🙄

I put my phone down and laugh. I guess no one likes Jenna but they like me? Weird.

I get dressed cause I'm still in a towel. I put on shorts and a purple hoodie. I smile and look at my outfit. I put on some cool 80's theme bracelets and neon green socks. I sit down and watch After on Netflix.

I text in the group chat:
Thanks guys lmao 😂🤷🏻‍♀️

Then I sit my phone down and watch it blow up. And then Brynn starts a face time in the group chat. I sigh and join. I pause my great movie and say " Hello !" Jenna says "Leave no one wants you here!" "I want her here!" Noah, Jack, Jaeden, Brynn, Sophia, Wyatt, and Millie say at the same time. Finn is blushing and says " y/n please stay.." I giggle and say" Baby I'm right here." Finn turns a tomato red and Jenna screams.

"My EARS!" Jack yells. I die laughing. Jack laughs with me. Millie says " Finn and y/n would be cute together!!" "I know right!!!!" Brynn says. Jenna yells" I'm his girlfriend friend g-I-r-l-f-r-I-e-n-d!" " you can spell great!" I say and give her a thumbs up.
She leaves the call.

Finn gets 20 texts from her. He sighs and says" She can wait. Y/n I'm sorry about yesterday I know I really hurt you. She's being a weird." "It's fine Finnie Boy." I say and giggle. "See date !!!" Millie says. "Hey Brynn." "What y/n?" "How about you and Noah y'all are cute together!" I say. She goes red and falls of her bed. "You good?" Noah says. "Yeah yeah I'm fine." Brynn says.


How is the chapter???
I had fun writing this one!!
Juicy stuff next heheh 😏
Comment and vote 😊

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