🌤 chapter seven 🌤

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• the song really fits this chapter •

As I'm running home I get a call from Finn. I declined the call and keep running. I can still feel the tears running down my face. I start to think of how stupid I am for loving him. What does Brynn mean that he's a cheater? He's with Jenna they've been together for about two months now.

Once I get home I run to my room. My mom and dad a sitting in the couch watching stranger things. It makes my cry more.

Finn keeps calling me. I keep declining me. I call Millie. She answers on the second ring. "Y/n your crying!" Millie says. I ask " when are you going to Atlanta to film stranger things?" " in a week why?" She says still worried. I tell her everything. " I'm so sorry love." She says. " can we meet when you go? I can buy a plane ticket. I would ask Brynn to come but ya know.." "yes of course!" I tell her thanks and end the call.

It's not like we were together. But it still hurt me. But what about Jenna? I check her channel 30 mins ago she posts a "We broke up!" video. I feel bad so very bad. Then Brynn post

With him ❤️😊@brynn123Tagged @finnwolfhardoffical

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With him ❤️😊
Tagged @finnwolfhardoffical


So what they are dating now. That back stabbing bitch! I cry even more than before as I look at Finn. My head broke that moment. From now on I wouldn't be the same. I get angry and blast music. I start punching my wall. I smile at the holes a made. My knuckles were bloody but I didn't care. Tomorrow I'll be a new me. I'll teach Brynn and Finn.!!

• Time skip to tomorrow •

I get up and put on a black Calpurnia shirt I got at the concert and black ripped jeans with a black belt. I put on black platformed shoes. I put on a black and white flannel. I brush my teeth and hair. I do my makeup with is mascara, dark read lip stick and a little eye shadow. I grab my keys to my car.

When I get there I see Brynn. I roll my eyes as she gets out of Finn's car. I walk by his car and he gets out. "Y/n! Wait!" He yells. I turn around and say "What do you what Finn?" He looks at my hands. "Why did you don't that? How did you don't that?" He asked. I laugh at him and push past him and yell "YOU DONT KISS ME AND THEN DATE MY EX-BESTFRIEND!" I can hear him sigh.

I walk in and see Brynn at my locker. I push past her and open my locker. "Hey y/n." "What do you want!" I ask not in the mood for this. I see a hickey on her neck. I laugh pissed off. "Couldn't you just be a good friend and not sleep with the guy I started to fall for!?!" I yell. She laughs at me. "Y/n he wants me why can't you accept that and not run away making Finn feel bad!" She yells back. I punch my locker because of her. She looks at me in shock and then sighs. "Are we really gonna have a fight!?!" She aksed. She's in Finn's shirt and has hickeys! She did it go home last night!! "Why don't you just go Brynn!" I yell. Then she punches me in the cheek. I'm in shock! Of course I laugh and punch her in the nose. She gets pissed off and punches my nose and kicks me. " your a little bitch y/n!" She yells. Then the popular girls walk up. " want help Brynn?" The leader Zoey says. She smiles at her and zoey punches me in the face. I cough up blood and get ready to fight Brynn and her "friends".

I punch Brynn and then knee her in the stomach. Then zoey kicks me in the side. I yell in pain. I won't hit zoey because this isn't her fault. Then the principal walks up and takes us all to the office.

The nurse cleans my cuts and gets all the blood off. She sighs and gives me an ice pack. "I'd kick her ass if she did that to me too." She says after I told her the story. I laugh the nurse if my favorite. She hugs me and I get off the tables I already told the principal the story and he let me off with a warning. I walk outside and see Finn. I guess he's here to pick up Brynn.. He looked at me like a was a monster. "HOW COULD YOU!" He says. I look at him and start to cry. Only he can make me cry. " I didn't start it Finn. She hit me first was I supposed to let her hit me!" He sighs and looks at me. Then he pulls me into a hug. It didn't last long because I felt Brynn pull me off and on to the ground. He saw her didn't he. He let her pull me off!

I look at her and she laughs "don't make me kick your ass again y/l/n!" She whispers to me. I look at her. She's the monster Finn not me! I laugh and look at Finn he's standing there stressed. He pulls out a cigarette. He smokes it and Brynn gets away from me and hugs Finn. He hugged her back and kissed her. I stand up and look at him "I knew you were at piece of shit when I saw you on tv and I know now!" I yell to his face. He's hurt but I don't care. And then I grab the cigarette and smoke it and blow it in his face. He looks at me flustered. Brynn gets mad at me like Jenna did. I saw she was mad and I wanted to make it worst so I took a puff of the cigarette and grab Finn and blow it into his mouth then kiss him. He kissed me back. And Brynn..

Cliffhanger hehehehhehe
Next chapter is gonna get weird lmao
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