🌤 Chapter Three 🌤

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•play the song I think it goes well with this chapter •

I answer and it's a group call of Finn, Noah, Millie, jack, Wyatt, and Jaeden. Brynn almost passes out in fact she fake passes out. I'm just looking at the screen and I'm still in my pjs not even done my hair yet.

"Hey y/n you joined!" Finn said and smiles. Everyone in the group chat said hello or so this is y/n. I laughed and waved. Then jack started talking about random crap.

Brynn whispers loudly " OH MY FUCKING GOD! It's Finn, Noah, Millie, jack, Wyatt, and Jaeden! Y/n who are you sooo luckyyyyy!!!" Everyone I'm the chat froze and started to laugh. Brynn blushes and I say "But Brynn your where with me and your talking to Finn, Noah, Millie, jack, Wyatt, and Jaeden also." She smiles at me.

"So why am I here finnie boy?" I ask Finn. Finn blushes and says "Finnie Boy??" I roll my eyes at Finn and blush just a little. "The girl who doesn't like Finn Wolfhard now has a crus- SHHHhhHh dummy!" I interrupted Brynn. Everyone in the chat looks at me and smirks. "NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DONE DID!" I yell. We all laugh and start talking about random shii.

• Time Skip To Night Still On The Call •

So y/n are you going to Atlanta to see Finn, Noah, and Millie act in stranger things?" Wyatt says. "Um I wasn't invited but if I was maybe I'd go MAYBE." I say. Brynn interjects and says " if y/n was invited sh- we would go and I'd make sure of it." I laugh at Brynn. "Wait we haven't ate today but gummies and chipsssssss!" I say. "We are going to Wendy's rn to get food period!" I yell. Finn laughs and says well I'm still in the area if you want me to meet you guys?" Brynn yells "yes!" So we start to get ready and forget we are still on call cause Brynn took her shirt off in front of the phone. Everyone looked away but jaeden and Noah. I laugh my ass off and Brynn screams "Creeps!" I say " we will meet you at Wendy's on ______ street by Walmart." (I made it up duhh) "alright see you later y/n" Finn says and I hang up.

• Time Skip To Wendy's •

We walk into Wendy's and sit down waiting for Finn. Soon Finn walks in but someone is with him. Is that Jenna Ryans? I see Jenna and Finn. I'm kinda disappointed when I see them together. Brynn looks at me and says " We can seek out the back of you wanna sissy?" But it's to late Finn sees me and Brynn. He says to Jenna "They are over there tell me what you want then sit down I'll order." He tells her then she walks over I already know what Brynn wants so I get up and walk up to Finn. He says "Oh hey y/n what's up?" I don't answer I'm thinking about Finn. I got my hopes up and I KNEW he had a girlfriend but I still thought of me and him like that. I sight and look at the menu. He says " Did I do something wrong ?" "No finn you didn't. I'm just thinking of- never mind." I say.

We order and then grab our food and walk to the table and Jenna kisses Finn right in front of me. I softy smile. It's kinda a sick smile. "Imma run to the bathroom y/n wanna come?" Brynn says with confusion in her eyes. "Umm. Umm. Y-yeah s-s-sure.." I stuttered. I stutter when I'm sad or nervous.
We walk to the bathroom and Brynn hugs me. "It's not his fault it's not like he knows I like him plus I knew he had I girlfriend jokes on me.." I say then sigh.

We walk back out I see Finn with ketchup all over his face and Jenna wipes it off and kisses him. He laughs and hugs her. We sit down and I take a bite of Brynn's fries. She playfully slaps my arm. Finn and Jenna laugh at that. I do a playful face at Brynn and take another fry. I won't talk because I'll stutter. Finn asked me what school we go to . I look at Brynn for an answer and she says "Wall Wood high school."

They talk for hours and I see Finn looking at me. I smile at him. And he blushes and Jenna looks at him. "Um Finn can you get me some ice cream?" Jenna asks Finn. He nods and walks away. Jenna says to me " Look hunny Finn is mine! So you can do eye fucking him okay! He would never and I mean never want a little no body like you! You don't even have followers." Then spills her hot coffee all over me. I almost scream in pain while she is laughing. "You bitch!" Brynn says. Then Finn brings back her ice cream confused and then Brynn grabs in and dumps in on Jenna's head. Finn looks at Brynn then at me with hot coffee on me. He grabs napkins and gives some to then the Jenna. Jenna looks so mad right now. I almost laugh at her.

Brynn sticks her tongue out and I die of laughter. Finn looks at me and asks "what happened?" Jenna yells " T-this girl was being rude and fake spilled coffee on herself and blamed me.." "y/n didn't your evil girlfriend yelled at her and said very rude things to y/n and spilled her coffee on her." Brynn said. Finn looked as if he didn't know who to believe.

It kinda broke me. I look from him to her. Know he was about to... " y/n what is true I'd believe you." He says. I'm shocked I thought he'd yell at me but he didn't. "Jenna was being rude saying- nothing important and spilled her coffee on me. BUT! I understand if you go with her side since she is your girlfriend and all.."  I say sadness in my voice. He sighs and Jenna pulls him out of the shop but he didn't stop her. I start to cry a little and I know Finn knows I was crying as he walked out.

I won't be eating Wendy's for awhile..

Damn Jenna is a bitch
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