🌤 Chapter Nine 🌤

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•this chapter is kinda sad so like be careful•

We are dancing soon to the beat. And soon I say "Wanna get fresh air?" He nods and we walk outside. And there are paparazzi. "Shit!" Finn yells and drags me back inside. What the heck! He says "I'm sorry y/n but if everyone thinks I'm with Brynn I can't just leave her yet. We just got together or she has to leave me first I never wanted to be with her I'm the first place! But I knew if I got with you it would mess you up y/n.. but Brynn she was a good escape from Jenna. I'm so sorry! I have never never felt this way before! Before I can get with anyone I have to make sure that things won't get messed up! Cause I never liked Jenna or Brynn! I dated a girl I liked once and...nevermind y/n. I'm sorry for wasting your time." Finn says in tears. I think he means the fame would eat me alive like his fans and stuff. But I love him!

I just look at him. I hug him to tell him I understand. But who is the girl he dated because he wanted to? I brush away my thoughts. I kiss his cheek. "I love you." I say and I walk out. I walk out of the dumb party. The best night I've had in a while and the worst because Finn won't ever be with me.

• Time Skip To your house •

When I walk in my parents still aren't home. I'm getting worried. But they still post online. But don't text me. They still pay the bills here. But I need to get a job. I sigh and walk to my parents room. I see a note on the bed. "Hey hun! We love you so so much but we thought you might want this place to yourself. Your getting older you know and we don't wanna get in the way of that hunny. We love you so much. We will check in on you. But we can ay the bills and send money ever month for food. But we think you need to get a job baby.

Love mom and dad."

Did they really leave me here? I start to cry I fall on the floor and cry. I check their room no clothes no nothing they just left me! I bang the floor and cry. I soon cry myself to sleep on their floor.

I wake up with a hurt back and my face all puffy. I walk to my bathroom and see my face. It makes me wanna cry more. I walk through this empty house. I cry when I get to my moms old office it's empty. They did this when I was at school one day. Do they not love me? I fall to the ground and cry more and more. I run to my room and start throwing the things they bought me. First I loss Brynn, then Finn, and now my own parents! They were never that loving but now I know they suck. I call Brynn but she doesn't answer.

Why is this happening! I'm losing everything I ever cared for. I wanna go into a ball and die. So I think that's what I might do. I love being alone when I need someone. So I run to my kitchen and think about what I'm about to do. Should I do it? No? Yes? I need Finn before I do this. If I don't go to him I will. So I run upstairs and put on a sweatshirt and shorts. But then I think of it. He doesn't want you! I cry so much and grab a knife. Wait don't do this y/n! You have someone who needs you! Wait stop! I cut you not my arm not deep but not to light. Just to make myself to shut up. It's not like it would kill me. I give up. I clean the cup on my arm and wrap it up. I gonna go on a walk.

I leave my house and start walking. And I end up in front of this hotel. But I won't go in so I keep walking. Soon I'm in Wendy's and remember what happened that night. I sigh and sit at a table I sat at before. I remember she said. And it makes since now. She wasn't being rude she was warning me. I can't sit here. So I go up and get a strawberry lemonade. I pay and walk out. I walk to Brynn's house. I knock on the door and Brynn's mom answers. "Hello dear. Wanna see Brynn?" She says I nod and walk to Brynn's room.

I knock and Brynn says "Come in!" I open the door and see Finn sitting there his hand on her thigh they are taking photos to post for fans. "Oh sorry I'll come back later." I whisper. Brynn gets up and runs to hug me. I still fell a sting in my arm. And Finn looks shocked. "No y/n you can stay!" She says. I sigh and sit down on her bed. I start to touch my arm. I think of what I did and I regret it. But at the time it helped forget the pain I was going though. "I wanted to talk Brynn.." I say. "About what?" "My parents.."

This got a little sad. But you won't ever do that again. Because you know you were dumb af. But next chapter will get better I swear.! And 81 views??!!? WTF I love you guys so much!

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