🌤 Chapter Eight 🌤

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Then Brynn pushes me. Finn looked at me and blew out the smoke. I smile at him. He winked at me and he got in this car. Brynn soon got in with him.

I laugh still with his cigarette. I go to my car and take a puff of it and blow out. I though about Finn and his soft lips. His beautiful face and his chocolate colored eyes. And I remember his laugh.

Everything about Finn was great but for the fact he was a jerk and no one cared because he was famous and hot

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Everything about Finn was great but for the fact he was a jerk and no one cared because he was famous and hot. I miss him already. I watch them drive away and drive after them not in a weird way.  I see them pull into a huge hotel. I guess he's staying here till he leaves for stranger things. I sit there for a second but then I see him and her fight and I laugh. I park my car in the hotel pranking lot them sit fighting in his car. I smile and walk to their car. I see her crying and I don't wanna bug her anymore I see my old bestie. So I walk back to my car and get in and drive home.

I call Finn. He answers right away It kinda scared me. "Hey y/n." "Hey Finn. So I need to know...do you even like me? One second your with Jenna and now with Brynn but let me kiss you. Or do you just play with people cause if so I don't want anything to do with you Finn Wolfhard!" He was quite. I just sat there waiting for him to talk. "Y/n I-i like you a lot! But it's weird to be with someone I actually like.." He says. Shit! I fucking hate this boy! I sigh and hang up the phone. I can't be friends with him. I'm so in love with him it's impossible. I give up on friends. I get up to my door and open it. I hear nothing. Half the time I think my parents just leave me here. I go get ice for my eye. I put it on my eye and look though my insta and see photos of me Brynn. I miss her so much. I'm so dumb I should have been happy for her not mad.

I wish we were friends again but it's almost impossible. I start to cry. I just wanna get drunk and forget of The curly haired devil. Then I get mad thinking of him. So I get dressed is a sexy outfit it was a black dress with boots also black and I did my hair. I did makeup and I knew that he was at a party cause I saw it on Brynns story. I'm going to that party. And when they go to do stranger things I'd be there. Not for him. For my friends.

I drive there blasting dojo cat and Lizzo to make me feel like a bad bitch. When I get there I walk in and see people dancing and drinking. It was kinda nice. I sigh and make my way to the drinks because I wanna forget. I wanna forget my pain. So I grab a cup and drink. It burns my throat but I like the pain it brings. I smile and walk to where the couches were but then I saw Finn with someone who isn't Brynn on his lap. I try to find Brynn cause she needs me. I can hear her crying in the bathroom. So I run in and hug her. She hugs back and cries into my shirt. "Y/n I'm so so sorry!" She says. I hug her and cry. She looks at me and I smile at her. "Wanna dance around that city fool?" I ask. She laughs at how I quoted his song. I pull her up and pull her out where he was and I dance with her. She smiles at me "you are a city girl!" I sing to her. It's her favorite song.

"You date the city tool! I am the city fool!" We sing together. We laugh and dance. She smiles at me. I look over to see Finn looking at us. When he sees I'm looking at him he looks me up and down and smirks. Asshole! Then a guy walks up to us and asks Brynn to dance I tell her to be careful and she dances with him. I smile at her. Then I walk to get another drink cause I dropped my other one but as a grab a cup Finn grabs my hips and looks me in the eyes. He smashes his lips into mine and then puts his head in the crook of my neck. We stay like this he's very warm. I sit the cup down and rap my arms around his neck. I wish we always like this not him being rude. "Your all I ever wanted y/n.." He says. I pull him from my neck and kiss him. He kisses back we stand there kissing forever.

So Finn is being nicer heheh
Will he get smart and be with you or be a player? And is he only saying this cause he's drunk? Who knows?? Well I know lol
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