🌤 Chapter Twelve 🌤

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I wake up in Finn's bed. I slowly get up seeing he's not here. I grab my clothes and put them on. I walk out to see Noah sitting eating. "Good morning y/n!" He says. "Can I surprise Finn I'm set today?" I ask. "OMG YEA THAT WOULD BE SO FRICKING CUTE!" He yells. I laugh and go great ready when I'm done Noah gets us a taxi and we drive to set.

When we get there Noah walks up to the producers and introduces us. They shake my hand and I smile at them. I let them go back to work and Noah takes me to his dressing room we chill in there for a second and soon I ask "Can I see Finn?" He nods and takes me to Finn's rooms. Noah opens it and what I see makes my heart stop beating. I see Millie on top of Finn I'm his chair making out like it's heated. Noah looks mad and then they look at us. Finn looks at me in shock and so does Millie. I run out of there. Noah, Finn, and Millie run after me yelling stop. I don't I keep running till I'm at the hotel. I start to pack and grab my shit. And when I'm about it walk out I see Noah. He pulls me into a hug and I cry. "I don't have anything to do on set today." He says. Then he sees my bag. "I understand y/n I didn't know Millie and Finn would do that to you." He says. I kiss his check and ask "Wanna go with me to the airport?" He nods and we get a taxi there

When we get there I get a ticket to ____ (where you live). I wave Noah goodbye and wait for my plane.

Noah's POV

IM SO FUCKING PISSED AT MILLIE AND FINN! She is so nice to us and they do that. I ask the taxi driver to take me to set. When I get there they're gonna pay.

I walk in and Finn and Millie run up to me. "Where's y/n?!" Finn asks. "She went home Finn." I say no emotion. Finn pulls at his hair and I pull them into my dressing room. "DO YOU TWO KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID TO HER! SHE HAS BEEN NOTHING BUT NICE AND YOU CHEAT ON HER WITH FUCKING MILLIE! THIS SHIT IS SO FUCKED!" I yell. Millie and Finn start to cry. And laugh pissed off. Millie tries to hug me and I push her away. "Mills you fucked up." I say.

She cries even more. "She loves you finn." I say to his face. He cries more. "If she didn't love you would she have left to let you be happy with Millie. Only love makes someone so sad. I got there and her bag was already packed. And you had sex with her Finn and you fucking cheat." I say. Finn knows he fucked up but at this point I can't look at them anymore. At least not the same as I did before. Then I get a text from y/n.


I sit and wait for the plane getting a shit ton of texts for Finn and Millie. I ignore them both. I will stay in touch with Noah though he's amazing. In fact imma text him rn.

Hey Noah just wanted to tell you that I'm about to get on board but when I land I'll text ya

Kk y/n I'll text you then. Again I'm so so sorry.

It's fine Noah :)

I hear the people say my flight is loading. So I get up and get on the plane back to my home town. This is killing me. I'm so fucking hurt. I sit in my seat by the window and text Finn.

Finn just so you know. I will always love you but you just broke my heart into a million pieces.

Y/n I'm so so so sorry. I don't know what I was taking. All I wanted was you.

I sigh and play my heart break play list. I hum to each and every song till I fall asleep.

I soon wake up and I'm home. I get off the plane and get my bag. I walk out and walk home. When I unlock the door I run to my room and cry. I let it all out. Then I remember I was to text Noah.

Hey Noah I got home safe thanks for everything I really needed you.

That's good and it's no problem y/n. I'll miss you.

We can FaceTime Noah

Okay how about tonight?

Sure Noah

I set my phone down and watch it. I remember how Finn said every Richie line and I cry more. God I love him more than life itself.

Sister shook..
Sorry I promise things will get better

Love y'all


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