🌤 Chapter Ten 🌤

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"They left me..alone..and I-I got so sad I did things I should never do. They are still paying for the house but they just up and left." I say. "What did you do?" Finn asks. I wish you weren't here. I cut myself because of you and my parents! "I-I nothing." I say. Brynn knows what I did I've done this before. She cries and pulls me into a hug. "She cut herself.." Brynn says. "Y/n...don't ever do that again! I mean why would you! I can't believe that you did this." Finn says in tears and I pull him into a hug. He hugs back and I sigh. "Finn I'm fine. I was stressed out..and didn't know what to do." I say into his chest. He holds me tight. "I wanted to go to you but I thought you hated me so I-I did this. " I say to Finn. And he cries more.

He looks down at me. I look at him. He almost kisses me. But we look at Brynn and she says "Finn we should break up." Finn looks at her. "You sure Brynn?" He asks. "I can tel you and y/n are in love." She says. "We could go live and tell our fans." He says and she nods and I stay out of the phones view. "Guys I'm sorry in inform you but me and Brynn have thought we are better friends than together so we are breaking up."

• after the live •

I walk outside of Brynn's with finn. He grabs my hand and we walk to my house. He smiles at me. I look at him and smile. "Your beautiful y/n." He says. I smile and kiss him. He kisses back and we melt into this kiss. And then we continue to walk to my house. When we get there I unlock the door and we walk in. He walk to my couch and he sits. He looks through the movies. I make popcorn. Once it's done I walk out and sit next to him. Of course he picked it. I laugh as we watch.

He says every Richie line in the film. He is so cute. I love this man. This rude, aggressive, funny, cute, sweet, and loving man. "Finn you remind me of mint. Your strong and good at first. But then you start to taste bad. But leave me wanting more of you." I say. He laughs and kisses me. "Don't break my heart." He says and goes back to the movie. I try to hold his hand and he holds mine back. Then he says "I told you bill. I fucking told you. I don't wanna die it's your fault. You punched me in the face, you drag me through shitty water, you brought me to a fucking crackhead house, and now I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown. WELCOME TO
THE LOSERS CLUB ASSHOLE!" I laugh and kiss him on the check.

Later that night he stays the night he sleeps with me in my bed. I turn on sponge bob cause why not. When we lay down he kisses me. I cuddle into his chest and we slowly fall asleep.

• the next day •

I walk up in Finn's arms. He's so warm. I smile at his peaceful face. I can't believe how much I love him. He slowly wakes up. "Good morning." He says in a deep morning voice. I kiss his cheek and smile. "Finn what are we?" I ask. "Well we can date in secret for awhile and later after people are over me and Brynn being over we can tell them?" He says still sleepy. I kiss him and get up to make food. I'm making pancakes when Finn comes in and wraps his arms around me. He puts his head on my shoulder.

"Imma miss this when o go to shoot stranger things." He says. I sigh and get all sad I forgot he was leaving. I put mine and his pancakes on two plates. I get out the syrup we sit and eat. "Y/n I have on 5 days to shoot stranger things. And I wanna spend every second of everyday with you." He says. "Well finn i'm- i'm gonna miss you too." I say. I can wait for him to see me there when I go with Millie it will be a surpries for him. I leave a day after him. He smiles at me and kisses me. I kiss him back and then we grabs my plate and his and does the dishes. I get behind him and hug him. When hes done he turns and kisses me. I could sit here all day with him. He's the best boyfriend. He looks into my eyes.

We sit down when he gets a phone call. "Um hello. What do you mean I have to come in tomorrow? Why didn't you tell me? Oh.. okay fine I'll see you soon." He looks pissed off. "I'm sorry y/n I have to leave tomorrow for stranger things. Something came up and I have to come in 4 days early." I get up and hug him. "It's fine baby." I say. He sighs sadly. "I love you y/n I'll call you once I get there." He says and leaves.

So I'm getting inspired by songs for this story soooooo get ready love shits about to get crazy. And 98 views WTF 😭❤️
I love you guys

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