🌤 Chapter Fifteen 🌤

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I feel like shit. I know that hurt Millie. I just really hope she doesn't get to hurt. But they haven't fully broke up. We right now me, Noah, Brynn, and Finn are sitting on my couch thinking of boy names. "Tyler Wolfhard?" Noah suggest. "No." I say. "Jackson?" Brynn asks. "No." Finn says. "Guys just pick a name!" Noah says sighing.

I laugh and say "Noah this is my son I want him to have the perfect name!" "Hayden!" I say out of the blue. "I like that Hayden Wolfhard." Finn says smiling. "FINALLY!" Noah yells. We all laugh at Noah.

"I love you Hayden." I say looking at my ever growing stomach. I sigh and Finn puts a hand on my stomach. Then it happens. Hayden kicks Finn's hand. I look at him and he looks at me. "He kicked!" Finn says happy. He pulls me into a hug and I hug him back duh. It's a warm safe hug.

I take in his mint smell. I love his smell. I just want to cuddle all day with him. Soon he lets go and my face drops. He looks at me and I hug him again. He hugs back and laughs. "I like your cuddles don't judge." I say. Everyone laughs now and I go red. He lets go and I lay down in his lap. He plays with my hair and I smile.

"I missed this." I whisper. "You missed this?" He asks. "I said that out loud..?" I ask even though I know I did. I just didn't think he would hear it. I blush and he blushes. We look over and see Noah and Brynn cuddling. I look at Finn and he looks at me. We both laugh and smile at how cute they are.

I look at Finn and sit up. I look at him and kiss him. I know it's wrong he's still with Millie. But I can't help it. I'm in love with him. And I always will be. I feel like I'm on cloud nine around him. He kisses me back and my heart skips a beat. Soon we pull away.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that.." I say. "No no it's okay y/n!" Finn says and I blush. I hug him again and say "I love you and Hayden."

Sorry I made this short I wanted to update! I hope it's still good though! Sorry if you don't like the name Hayden or if your name is Hayden. You can change it I just like the name :)

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