🌤 Chapter Fourteen 🌤

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• Your At your Appointment To Find Out The Gender You 18 weeks pregnant •

Dr. Hannah puts the gel on my stomach and I look over at Brynn she's smiling at me. "I can't wait to find out what I'm having." I say. Dr. Hannah smiles at me.

She puts her wand on my tummy and moves it around. "Well y/n your having a..BOY!" She says. I smile at her. Then I ask "can I give my son his dads last name with out him being here?"  "Well the father of the child can only be listed on the birth record if the father acknowledges paternity on the birth record, or through a court order." She says. I nod and she wipes the gel off my tummy. I smile and she sets up my next appointment.

As I walk out I get a text.

So y/n/n I'm hanging out in your town tomorrow with some friends wanna come with Brynn?

Sure Schnapps. What time?

5:30 p.m.

Kk see you then

"We are hanging with Noah tomorrow at 5:30." I say to Brynn. Brynn nods at me. I smile and turn on some music

After I got home Brynn went to hers to get clothes then she's gonna stay the night. I get everything ready for movie night. I make mine and her favorite popcorn. I get her favorite drink and put up Netflix. I wait for her to come back.

Soon she comes back and we watch The Bee Movie. It's great I sit there and enjoy every second. Brynn laughs at how much I love this movie. Soon Brynn falls asleep on my shoulder. I laugh at how cute she looked. I'm glad we are friends again.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑁𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝐷𝑎𝑦 𝑎𝑡 𝑁𝑜𝑎ℎ𝑠 •

I walk into the hangout with Brynn on my arm. I put my hand on my bump and smile. I'm greeted by a smiling Noah. He puts his hands on my baby dump. "OMG YOUR BUMP!" I chuckle and pull him into a hug.

I walk into the hangout and see everyone. And I mean EVERYONE! Like Finn and Millie!! sHiT! I look at Brynn and we panic. I pull Noah by his ear to the kitchen. "What the HELL Noah!" I yell. "Okay okay I know your mad but Finn needs to know! I mean y/n crying out loud you already know the gender! And have a bump and he doesn't even know!" Noah says kinda loudly. I know they heard us because Finn walks in. "You pregnant with my kid and didn't tell me!" He says. "You fucking cheated and I didn't wanna mess you and Millie up because of my son!" I yell. "I'm having a son!" He yells back. I nod. He pulls me into a hug. WtF!

He lets me go. "Why didn't you tell me y/n!" He states more than asking. "Cause I was scared.." I say feeling my eyes get glossy. He kisses my check. "You can tell me anything y/n." I smile at him and nod. Millie walks in. "Y/n why are you here and Finn why are you with her?" Millie says.

"Well y/n is here cause she can be. And I'm in here because she's telling me great news." "What is that?" Millie asks. "She's pregnant with my kid." "She what?" Millie asks in shock. "Yeah Millie. I'm
Sorry I shouldn't have came." I say. "No y/n your a mom and gonna be a damn great one! You stayed strong when Finn was with me! Then you got him! Then he's was a dick and cheated! And your still standing pregnant might I add! Your my role model!" Brynn says. I run and hug her

"I love you Brynn." "Not as much as I love you." Then when we let go finn looks at me then to Millie. "Millie things are over between us." Finn says. "What..?" Millie says.  I see Noah eyeing Brynn. I look form him to Brynn. "Things are over." Finn says. Millie runs out of the house.

Now I feel bad. She was just a girl who fell for Wolfhard. And I won't fall again. I need to focus on me and my son. Even if I love Finn still I can't be with him..not again...

I'm so happy! I love you guys so much ( ˘ ³˘)
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