🌹Entangled Together : Shot 1🌹

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"Sir! Sir! Sir! One byte please!! Please sir I'll take just some minutes of yours" requested the reporter.

A man in black tuxedo got down from his black Porsche car. A magnificent dynamic aura was created by him when he walked towards The Oberoi Industries. Shivaay Singh Oberoi. Another name for arrogance, ruthless and imperious By looks he was the perfect example of Greek God - mesmerizing cyan eyes, pointed nose, sharp jaw line and milky white skin and perfect body . Impossible for anyone to not to drool over him.

Being the youngest CEO of the country and one of leading businessman in the world everyone knew him. Three consecutive best businessman award everywhere his photos circulated and likewise was an inspiration for all.

After entering his cabin which was on the 30th and topmost floor of the building he was welcomed by a newbie journalist who requested him to give a small interview for 'The newly emerging personalities of Mumbai'. He was an epitome of encouragement and inspiration for all so an interview from him was obvious.

The thing was will he give the interview or just shun her to go. This was the main fear of Annika, the newbie journalist.
With high hope she went to his cabin and waited for his arrival.
She bit her nails and was continuously checking time from the minute she sat in his cabin. This was her second interview which she had to take because the experienced reporter was off town. She cursed her boss for this but was also happy for this opportunity.

When Shivaay entered she stood up jolting and fumbled but nevertheless wished him. "H-hii I me-mean hel-lo Mr Oberoi. I-I am Annika from the New face magazine. Shaking hand when suddenly they both felt an unknown spark and broke the clasp.
He hummed in response and removed his shades revealing his captivating eyes.
For a moment Annika was lost in his eyes wondering what was its actual colour. And to embarrass and increase her fear more she was caught off guard.

"Oh god please engulf me. How can I drool over him. Shit what he must be thinking. Chhii how cheap of you Annika. Waise what's my fault he is drool worthy" thought annika and giggled. Oh! Not again! Another embarrassing moment.

"So Mr Oberoi can we start the interview if you are ok. Just some questions - -" Annika said but was cut by Shivaay.

"Wait! You are Annika Kashyap of Xavier's School 2012-13 batch. You are Prinku's bestie right if I am not wrong." Shivaay spoke making Annika think how on earth he know me.

Understanding her confusion Shivaay said again "OK I understand you don't remember but you remember Priyanka your best friend. I am her brother. I heard a lot about you from her. I personally wanted to thank you for whatever you did for her"

Then Annika remembered that her once Best friend Priyanka in class 12 was also an Oberoi and face-palmed herself for her forgetful nature.

"Yaa i remember Mr Oberoi. But by the way how is she. Its long that I talked to her. Last we met 5 years back on our reunion." said annika smilingly remembering her sweet best friend.

"Hey why are you standing? Please sit. Prinku is very good and currently working in Oberoi fashion as our head designer." said Shivaay

"oh! how about Omru??" omkara, rudra, priyanka were once best buddies. The Fav Four. But with time and busy schedule they lost contact.

"They are good too. Om is a renowned artist and Rudy same as before happy go lucky college boy." said Shivaay.

"Mr Oberoi i will be really grateful if you give a byte. Ac-actually it's really important for me." said Annika

"Yes sure. But only on one condition if you stop calling me Mr Oberoi. It makes me feel old. Atleast not you." said Shivaay and smiled

"I thought that you are an arrogant person and never smile." annika said hesitating a bit. But who can stop her chatterbox mouth.

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