🌹Feel The Love🌹 Shot 2 //part 1//

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*Good Morning, Mumbai. Welcome to Radio fm 93.4 Gun gunate Raho. I am your dost and host VAAY. It's 6:30 am in the morning. So what are you all doing?

Mumbai is a city which never sleeps so all the night owls and morning birds are busy chasing their dreams, and so here I am your friend VAAY and a listener so share your thoughts and worries. Dial 9875456000 and call to share.
Let's see who is our first caller! *

Saying this VAAY switched on the calling button.

V- Hello! My friend who's there?

P- Hi! I am Ruhi. I am a big fan of your voice. Actually I am in a complicated relationship. And I am really feeling to give up.(she sighed sadly).

V- OK so tell me do you really love him?

R - yes I do but I am not able to take his ignorance. I know he is a busy man but I miss the old us.

V- you know Ruhi if you really loved him, you will never give up. Try to understand his position too. Maybe he don't want to ignore you but time is being cruel here. This is love where its very important to understand each other.
If you have loved his loving nature then why can't you accept his busy nature. Similarly he should do it too. I would suggest before jumping into conclusion you both need to talk.

R- thank you VAAY. You know what you are a sweetheart. I will surely talk it out.

V- Great! Have a nice day friend.

Call ended.

So hope this advice help you all. Till then here's a song dedicated to all my friends.

Saying this VAAY played the song Muskurane ki wajah from City lights.

Vaay's pov

Hey! This is VAAY actually my full name is Shivaay. Shivaay Singh Oberoi. Yes you heard it right! The famous industrialist but also the anonymous radio jockey in 93.4 fm.
For the world I am the most ruthless, arrogant and reserved jerk ever. That's what my employees say. Actually I know I am not a social bee but wait!

There's another side of mine too. I love being a Rj and socialize with people but being anonymous.
I feel that by interacting with people and do the honour of listening, I can be the one whom I always wanted in my life.
Sometimes I wish I had someone to hear me out but there was none. So I try to become that for the lonely people.
I try giving them support and suggestions, though I am single, but whatever I saw in my 28 years of life I try sharing it.

From childhood I saw my parents quarrelling over petty issues and then parting their ways. Being single child I never had anyone to cry leaning on his or her shoulder.

So I try to be the one virtually.
I try that people should give another chance to relationship. Though I never had that thought to indulge in it myself but still I try.
And I am happy that I can do so.

*knock knock*

Here comes Advaay my business partner and best friend. The only one who knows that who is Actual VAAY.

I am happy that Mornings with VAAY is gaining immense popularity.

He insisted me to come out of my shell and become a Rj. And honestly I can't thank him enough for this.

Advaay - Hey! Dude! Ready for today's meeting with the Russian Delegates?

Shivaay - yaa man! Just some more questions and then I will head to Oberoi Industries. I will meet you at 10 there.

Advaay - as your wish bro. By the way why don't you reveal your real name. You can't imagine how popular you are! you've got a huge fan following boy! Especially of girls (winking at the end)

Shivaay - I know but I don't want to. I love being anonymous. Its thrilling you know.

Advaay - as your wish bro! Gotta go! Bye see ya! (Advay went)

OK so let's get back to work,

Hey guys i am back again, let's see who is the new caller.

Shivaay - hi! This is your friend VAAY and who are you my friend?

Person - H.. Hii.. I.. I.. am Anni.. I mean I am kanika.. Actually th.. The thing is I want to die..I am on the second stage of depression..
I have lost all hopes of living. Please help me..

(Shivaay shocked)

S- hey. Hi kanika, right. Don't lose hope. First tell me why do you want to die?

K- (crying) I don't want to live VAAY! I am done with this world. Where everyone is busy using others. Where everyone is treacherous.

(Shivaay had tears listening to her as if feeling her pain. Why not he was once in the same position too.)

S- No my friend. All are not treacherous. Sometimes destiny brings people to make us learn lessons and become more strong. We have to stay strong not loose hope.
I understand life becomes cruel but honey life is not a bed of roses. We have to overcome all the hurdles.

K- then what should I do?

S- at first stop crying. Pretty girls never cry they smile.

(kanika smiled a little)

K- But I am not strong VAAY. How am I going to do it.

S- Who said you are not strong. It requires guts to call and share your problems publicly. I am proud of you!
I would want you to try forget what happened in the past and move on. Try talking with people and share your feelings. Try to do yoga it will give peace. And most importantly Love yourself. Why to die because of others. God has given you a beautiful life try fighting for it.

(kanika felt much better, she felt her hope rebuilding)

K- thank you VAAY! I know what i have to do. I wish I could meet you in person and thank you but I heard you never come in front of anyone.
So Thank you so much.
I everyday wait to listen your voice. It gives me hope. Thank you.

S- it's my pleasure to help you all out dear. Take care and call again. Bye.

*so my friends I hope you understand that dying is not an option. We have to rebuild our hopes. So here goes a song dedicated to kanika. *

Shivaay played the song Zindagi Ki yehi reet hai from Mr. India

After making kanika understand and talking with other callers I bid bye to my radio friends and headed towards Oberoi Industries.

But one thing was that I could feel Kanika's pain. I don't why but i felt a pang in my heart. I wish I could help her more but let's see if she calls again or not.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.

To be continued....

With love, Swara

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With love,

I hope you like it. This is a TS on shivika. And this was the first part of it.

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