🌹Love Abode🌹Part 2

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I finally stopped my car in front of his hifi bungalow and this time I drove slow which is so not me. I looked at my side and saw him asleep.
Ahh! I didn't wanted to wake him up but kya kare I had to. He looked so cute while sleeping. So serene. I wish I could just stare all along.

As if understanding my gaze he caught me red handed staring at him.
He coughed a little but still I stared.

"Like what you see? Aur madam aise ghurna buri baat hai."

"Loved what I saw. Aur rahi baat ghurne ki toh meri ankhe meri marzi! If you have problem then that is not my problem."

"You know what you are too different. I have never seen so blunt woman in my life"

"I know one piece hi hu (winks)"

"OK.. Bye gotta go. It was nice meeting you Annika and thanks for the adventurous ride lady!!"

"Ahh never mind I can show you more adventure this was nothing. Toh phir kab mile madhubala?"

"Jab kayanat chahe"

"Godd! Are you really a businessman? I doubt you for your words."

"Unfortunately I am. And I do believe in destiny just like this meet happened if destiny wants we'll meet soon."

He got down the car and walked towards his house. I so wished to stop him and talk like forever but couldn't. I don't what happened I too got down and walked to him.

" Shivaay! "

He turned.

" Ya what's wrong? "

" Actually I forgot to give you something."


I kissed him yet again and I know he was taken aback surprised. I am too cheapri I know but i couldn't help myself.
I left him and turned back to walk smiling to myself. I am sure he was still standing there which was actually true when I turned to see him.

"Bye meri madhubala! Waise tomorrow I have a race at mystic course at 4pm. I will wait for you!"

As I switched on the ignition I could hear him smiling and calling me Pagal.

Next day came too quickly with my thoughts circling about him. I dressed up and got ready for my race. While getting on my car I tried finding him but he wasn't there. I felt bad and disappointed which was wrong because we just met yesterday and he is a big man why will he show up to me. Honestly my mood ruined I didn't had the urge to win the race which was so not me. But rules are rules I had to start.

Starting the engine moodlessly my eyes for a second rose up and it froze. He was there I could feel my heartbeat fasten. I knew I loved this man. I was now determined to win this race and walk up to him, hug him tightly. A sudden sense of right on him rose in my heart. Maybe that what love does.

And I win. I knew I would. I quickly ran up to him skipping steps.

"H.. He..heyy.. I.. Thought.. You.. You wouldn't show up.!

" Here have this water first. By the way you were awesome there. I mean it was so damn amazing. And why won't I show up I had to give you something back. "

He pecked my lips and this time it was my turn to freeze. Oh this butterflies won't stop even.

"I.. I.. I.. am.. Am impressed. Not bad madhubala."

"oh please will you stop calling me that I have a nice name FYI."

"I love calling you madhubala and I will call you madhubala even if you don't like madhubala."

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