🌹Feel The Love : Last Part 🌹

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Months passed. After coming back from the reunion I, Anika and advaay became really good friends. She brought out a new Shivaay in me. Radio was also going well . I didn't said her till now that I was her VAAY.

One thing I felt was she really loved VAAY. Everytime we talked, she always spoke about VAAY. VAAY this VAAY that. Though I was VAAY but still i felt jealous. Yes jealous. The Shivaay Singh Oberoi was jealous.

When I said this to Advaay, you can't imagine how much embarrassed he made me feel. He was like apne aap se kaun jealous hota hai. Laugh laugh how much you all can.

But one thing i realised was that I love annika. She makes me feel something which I never felt before. But one thing still pricked me was she didn't opened up till now.
Every time I asked her she either became uncomfortable or changed the topic. I don't care about her past but it's just that she has let go the pain. She smiles and laughs a lot more nowadays but still something was missing.

I decided to propose her but backed out fearing about our friendship. I knew Annika has feelings for me as well as VAAY but the fear of love hurts stopped me.
Without thinking more I slept imagining me and her and our small family.

Next day.

I was working from home when annika called me being very happy. I asked her the reason but she denied saying. She said she wants to say face to face and was on her way to Oberoi mansion.

After sometime Annika came and hugged me excitedly. I asked her what happened, she held Advaay's hand. I didn't felt good but shrugging it I welcomed her and Advaay.

A- Shivaay why didn't you tell me that Advaay is my VAAY. You knew right how much I love VAAY. I am disappointed. But see Advaay proposed me today. (showing her ring). I am so happy.

I felt devastated, I looked at Advaay. He was smirking at me. I was breaking inside. I needed to know why he did that. She was the only one whom I loved.

S- (smiling in pain) are you happy Annika?

A- y.. Yes Shivaay. You know how much I loved VAAY. Just I was shocked that advaay is only VAAY.

S - If you are happy then I am h.. Happy too.

I hugged annika

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I hugged annika. I felt my heart breaking in pieces. But I can't show it to her.

No I don't hate Advaay. He was my only family. I just had one question why did he used my name. If he really loved Annika he could have just told me. I would have happily back off.

S- o.. Ok.. Y.. You b.. Bb.. Both enjoy i have work. Bye. And I have prepared Aloo puri for you eat it OK! Don't remain hungry.

An- but Shivaay please wait. You are my best friend. I want to share everything. Please wait.

S- n.. No annika its u.. Urgent. And congrats advaay.

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