🌹Love Abode 🌹 Part 1

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* Read the important note at last please! *


"Dear Shiv,

Its been five years since you went I know the mistake was mine. You know what I have left car racing four years back only. I know I took you for granted. I thought you can't stay away from me and will come back but you didn't come. I don't blame you either. But please for once come back. I just want to see you once. I promise I won't stop you to be with me if you want to go away but please for once. I am dying everyday waiting for you. Will you ever come? The last leaf is you. I know after I once see you then only my dying heart will be at peace. I am waiting eagerly every day just to get your glimpse and leave with a smile. Maybe some other earth! I know I am being looser but I can't take this anymore.
Yes, I do want to die and I know I am going to. Doctor says that I am in depression. Its hard to save me until I want. I know I won't die till you come and hold me in your embrace. I want to die peacefully shiv please come back once.
I love you and will always do.

Forever yours,
Annie. "


Folding the letter I kept it back in the vintage box that he gave me. I got to know about my heart problem just three years back. I did tried therapies but my body and mind didn't accepted it. And so I gave up. Gave up to life. I knew there is no way I am going to live. But the only wish I had was to see My love Shivaay only for once and die in his embrace.
This was the 100th letter I wrote. I know he is in New York, a successful businessman. I am happy with his success. Maybe he got married and have kids too. That though pains my heart but I know I deserved this.

I was a car racer back in my youth days. And then I met Shivaay during race. If not my brakes were working good he would have seen stars in real. He shouted on me for rash driving but I for the first time in life was dumbstruck. His eyes were somewhat caging me in them. Hypnotism! He was saying something and for me it was as if an animation was played with mute button switched on. His perfect pink lips soft and dry was moving or basically shouting on me.

I was drawn towards him. I was exactly a badass girl. I never got an upbringing required for a child as they were busy with themselves and after some days they parted their ways while I was left shattered. Then one day I saw a group of guys racing and then there was no looking back. I didn't cared what others said. Even if I got an injury I tried hard to not save myself. It was as if an invisible unsaid fight going on between me and God.

I tried and tried to harm and kill and this god always saved me didn't know why. So I also gave up to commit these futile attempts and see how long he saves me. And got busy in these races. I do have friends but only till race course after that I was busy in my world of darkness.

But then when I saw him I felt that my subconscious mind continuously saying that yes you are living because of him. He was my reason I was being saved. My heart was beating.
Was love at first sight possible. I didn't believe in love, after all the failed relationships showed me the reality but this. This was something different. Something magical.
I touched my heart looking at my hand amused and again towards him.

"Hello are you even listening? I am speaking to you. Have you gone nuts? I could have die...."

I smashed my lips taking him in a shock. I don't know what happened to me long was forgotten the race which was going on. It was only me and him. I felt heaven, the never found peace was what I felt in the kiss. He was too shocked to respond. I kissed him passionately looking in to his eyes. Without knowing tears flowed from both of our eyes. We didn't know why. There was an invisible connection. Something so strong to explain. Is it possible? I didn't knew nor did he I guess.

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