🌹Insecurities Are Loud🌹 Shot 4

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One's spirit is free, but their fears binds them with chains of suffocation in a prison of their own insecurities.

This words are exactly fitted for Annika. It's been 3 months to her and The business tycoon Shivaay Singh Oberoi's marriage.
Their marriage was arranged. Pinky Oberoi her mother in law found her at the old age home when they came to give charity. Annika worked there as a free physiotherapist.
Annika doesn't take money from the authorities because she feels good to help them.
When Pinky saw her she was highly impressed by her acts and annika being an orphan loved the way Shivaay's family treated her.

She spent a lot of time with them and finally when pinky asked her about the proposal she had to accept. Though Annika and Shivaay never talked as he was always busy with his work. She found Shivaay very protective and introvert. She liked Shivaay from the first look. She admired him a lot. The way he looked after his family, his hard work everything made her love him.

So when she agreed for the proposal she didn't thought about anything. She was told that Shivaay liked her and said yes. But now after marriage she felt Shivaay's behaviour very indifferent.

She was confused at first she thought that Shivaay was feeling a little awkward but now she feels that Shivaay was not interested in the marriage.

Only mere hi hellos and good mornings in front of family. Annika started to feel lonely in this house full of people. She did all her duty of daughter in law of Oberois. From morning to night everyone required Annika. Omkara and rudra understood her inner turmoil. They wanted to talk with Shivaay.

Om- Shivaay I wanted to talk with you.

Shivaay- ofcourse om. Let's go to the pool side.

Both sat down near the pool.

Om- Shivaay aren't you happy with your marriage?

Shivaay was spellbound. He didn't know what to say. He knew this will be coming but so soon he didn't expected.

Shivaay- I.. Its nothing like that.. Everything was so sudden that I couldn't react. Mom just asked me and told me to marry her. I couldn't say no to her.

Shivaay sighed. He wasn't ready for the marriage at first and then he didn't know anything about annika.

Om- I understand Shivaay but what is stopping you? You have to speak up.

Annika stood there listening to their talk. Today everything will be clear.

Shivaay- I.. I don't know anything about her. From which family she belongs to, which class, she has nothing. She is an orphan. I know what she means to you but you know right that what Naam khoon khandaan is for me. I don't know if I can stay with her or not. She is not my type i feel.

Om always knew what NKK is for Shivaay but he thought that after Annika comes in his life he will definitely fall for her. Who won't fall for such a pure soul.

Om- I know what NKK is for you but you have to look beyond your ideologies. It's a marriage Shivaay not a doll game.

Annika went from there crying. She had always feared about her name, blood, lineage but today when Shivaay, her love said this things. Something broke in her. She felt heart broken.

Om- Shivaay you need to work out your marriage. The problem is you never noticed Annika. Have you ever noticed her? Gave her importance? Talked with her?

Shivaay nodded in no.

Om- then what do you think that feelings come just like that? Shivaay, annika is an amazing girl. Whole life she lacked love. If you don't give her that love and importance how will this relationship work? I am sorry to say Shivaay you are very unlucky if you don't keep her with you.
She is a gem Shivaay. I am not saying this because i am her brother but because I understand people. She is very lonely Shivaay.
I am sure if you start to love her you will be luckiest. The amount of love she will give will be commendable.

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