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Seongjun's instincts as a leader instantly kicked in and he rushed forward to junhyuks side and rubbed his shoulders wrapping an arm around him and gently leading him back to the couch. The pacifier that had dropped from Junhyuk's mouth and was hangung from a paci clip was put back in his mouth to help calm him down.

"Junhyuk, you're going to have to stop wailing so much so I can understand what you're trying to say"

His wailing subdued a little but he still continued to sniffle so Seongjun pulled Junhyuk onto his knee and bounced him up and down softly until he was reasonably calm.

"Now.." Seongjun started in a soft tone "can you tell me whats wrong?"

It wasn't the tone he would usually use when talking to Junhyuk but he could tell it was what was needed right now.

Junhyuk looked down at his toes as they swung lightly back and forth, he pulled at the edges of his soft hoodie and his eyes teared up a little again.

"JunJun sorry" he spoke quietly, mumbling around his paci, in a slightly higher tone than usual, "Junjun bad boy, hyungie no meant to find out"

Seongjun rubbed his back in a soothing manner "Hyung isn't meant to find out about what?"

"That Junjun's tiny..."

Seongjun was a little confused at this but he guessed it was referring to junhyuks current childish behaviour.

"Well we can talk about that when you're... not.. tiny..? I guess."

Junhyuk seemed satisfied with that answer and much more relaxed now,

"Oki!" He replied happily, he sat for a few minutes and played with his hyungs fingers, giggling every once in a while when Seongjun would try to poke him in the belly, after a solid ten minutes of back rubs Junhyuks tummy growled again so he took out his paci and hopped of Seongjuns lap.

The smile now fully returned to his face, he made a star shape, spreading his hands and feet outwards and cried:



Junhuk merely repeated "Lunchtime!" and rubbed his tummy dramatically.

"Oooh lunchtime, I guess I'm your babysitter for the day until we figure it out huh?"

Junhyuk just gave him a confused look not seeming to understand so Seongjun just ruffled his hair and said "I've just got to go call your other hyungs, kay?"

Junhyuk nodded and waddled back over to the TV to wait.

After calling the other members to tell them he was going to stay home as Junhyuk was feeling sick he got back to said boy.

"Come on Junhyuk, I'll make you some lunch!"

Junhyuk simply looked over his shoulder and frowned at the use of his full name.

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