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There was quite a lot of angst in this book but we're moving onto the soft fluffy stuff now uwu


Seungmin, being someone who was generally quite comfortable with himself, didn't struggle to fall into a rhythm and didn't struggle with letting himself being taken care of, this was quite a relief for Seongjun and Huijun (now the main caregivers) after the emotional turmoil all had been through just in order to get Minjae and Junhyuk to regress enough.

Junhyuk was very happy because he now had a playmate: Seungmin, Junhyuk tended to be fairly quite while Seungmin was loud and adventurous, the two of them complemented each other very well and playtime was always sure to bring lots of surprises.

The only problem remaining was Minjae, he'd gotten used to going to Huijun whenever he felt small and letting himself be taken care of but he was too self-conscious to play with the other littles, he was after all the youngest of the bunch tending to drop to around 3 whilst Junhyuk was the middle child drifting between 4-5 and Seungmin the eldest at around 7, 

This made Minjae feel a little uncomfortable, that he was the youngest regressor but everyone understood that It would take time, effort and a lot of care for Minjae to be ready...


It was Friday evening and all the members where gathered in the living room after dinner, normally Junhyuk and Minjae who regressed the most would be in separate rooms with there caregivers but tonight Minjae had joined them in the living room, saying he didn't feel like regressing and besides Seungmin was feeling little and Minjae was Seungmin's favourite.

Junhyuk had righteously told him "o cant pig favuts!" whilst clutching tightly onto Seongjun's hand, who was clearly his favourite.

the two of them where now scribbling away at a pieces of paper and Junhyuk turned to Minjae with big wet eyes and pointed at the red crayon that had just rolled away

"can o get wed?"

Minjae smiled up at him and bent over to hand it to him deciding to then shuffle closer and see what they were drawing.

"What are you colouring Jun?"

Junhyuk pointed at the page to show Minaje all the different members

"-and here's Junnie hyung, he's gonna go see little Minnie, cus little Minnie stays in de other room, he never out and play.." Junhyuk ended this with a pout after Seongjun cut him of with 'that's quite enough' seeing that Minjae was beginning to feel guilty.

Seungmin however was getting quite impatient to get Minjae's attention and waved his arm in a big dramatic gesture which caused the crayon in his hand to go flying into Huijun's face who groaned with pain.

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