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Minjae sat up in his bed with a throbbing headache and looked around trying to gain his bearings before realising he was laying in Huijun's bed, the memories of earlier came flooding in and he wrapped himself back in the blanket like a burrito and refused to greet the light of day.

The longer he pretended to be sleeping the longer he could delay having to face the other members although deep down he knew that he couldn't put of having a talk forever. It was inevitable but he just couldn't face it right now so when Huijun opened the door and Seungmin called out to ask if Minjae was awake he layed still as stone until he heard a 'Not yet' and the door close,

He rolled over and pulled the blankets down a little to get some air, it was getting rather stuffy inside his burrito.

He knew he'd need to get out of bed soon though he wasn't quite sure what would happen to him when he did but he needed to collect his thought first,

{insert one of those swirly movie effect thingys}

They stared in shock before Seungmin opened his mouth "Is he..? regressed..?"

No one had an answer to his question but Huijun hadnt been listening to the others and instead let his instinct take over, he went over to the sobbing boy and placed a hand on his shoulder gently. At the touch Minjae flung himself into Huijuns lap and clutched at his red shirt, leaving  fresh tear marks all down the front.

The others just quietly watched as Huijun haphazrdly stood with Minjae clingning to his front koala style, he placed his right hand under his butt and the other around his back taking gentle steps towards the door as Seongjun rushed to open it for him.

By the time they got back Minjae had forced himself half back into adult headspace but was too out of it to understand what was going on so they put him straight into Huijuns bed for a nap, It had to be huijuns bed seeing as the scent seemed to calm him down after he started panicking at being left alone.

~~~back to present~~

With a sigh Minjae smaked his palm against his forehead repeatedly in an attempt to get rid of his banging headache, the crying had not only exhausted him and caused him to pass out but had also ended him up with a horrible throbing migrane,

He trudged towards the bedroom door with a heavy heart, figuring that he had to talk to the others anyway so it was also a good oppurtunity to get some paracetamol.

Eyes followed him as he entered the kitchen and he made sure to take as long as possible taking out the pill from the packet carefully, filling up a glass full of water right to the top, swallowing slowly and sipping all of the water till there remained only three droplets. as soon as he placed the glass back next to the sink Seongjun said,

"We need to talk."

"I know.." He replied, refusing to make eye contact with any of them as they all congregated to the living room with Minjae trailing reluctantly behind him.

He experienced slight dejavu remembering how Junhyuk had sat in the same seat as him whilst the others sat on the facing sofa just little over a month ago, except this time their was no comforting presence like Seongjun sat next to him.

There was a tense silence for about two minutes before Minjae decided to just go ahead and break it

"Junhyuk, I didn't mean to act that way towards you and I'm really sorry for treating you so horribly-"

He got no further before a sheepish and eager Seongjun interrupted him

"Look Minjae we also need to apologise for treating you this way over this past week, it wasn't right and i cant imagine how much that must have stressed you out, but you really should have just told us, obviously it still wasn't right for you to behave in that way towards Junhyuk but i think he's accepted your apology, right?" Seongjun finally paused to take a look at Junhyuk who gave a nod of conformation "see, so-"

He went to continue but was stopped mid-rant however by Huijun's hand on his arm "Your rambling hyung," He then proceeded to turn to Minjae with a warm smile on his face

"What he's trying to say is that we are sorry that you had to go through that but we're all happy that we know, and you know that we all accept and love Junhyuk so the same goes for you of course!"

Junhyuk who was standing behind the couch nodded eagerly and then said in a small voice "..and maybe we could regress together and play or something..."

Seungmin whacked his hand down on his thigh in sudden realzation "OH THAT'S WHY HE DIDNT WANT TO PLAY WITH JUNHYUK!!! BECAUSE IT WOULD HAVE MADE HIM SLIP!!!"

This resulted in everyone including Minjae staring at him as if he was the dumbest person in korea

"No shit sherlock" Minjae muttered under his breath before saying louder: "Um thanks guys I appreciate it, but I'm going to get to bed early so goodnight."

The all nodded and smiled and he skirted out the room as fast as possible, he listened to the noise in the living room lull back up as he opted for Huijun's bed rather than his own and made a burito again.

Don't get him wrong he was thankful for the kind words but they had all just assumed that he hadn't told them because he was embarrassed or scared of rejection or something and while that was part of the issue, it wasn't the main problem here, he felt sorry and guilty towards Junhyuk who would never get Minjae as a playmate.

It was disgusting, and it wouldn't happen,

 ever again.

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